El Mirage School Goals for 2024-2025
El Mirage sets school goals every year as part of the continuous improvement process. Our goals are based on input from the parent and staff surveys and school academic and safety data. We set three goals this year that will help our students, staff and school community continue to reach excellence.
- GOAL 1 ACADEMICS: By May of 2025, 3rd-4th Grade students will: Increase AASA scores by 3% (ELA 41% to 44%; Math 41 to 44%); Decrease the number of students in ELA minimally proficient, 3rd grade by 3% from 56% to 53%; Increase reading achievement for all K-2 students by 3% and decrease Well Below Benchmark students by 3% or more from BOY to EOY DIBELS.
- GOAL 2 SAFETY: By May of 2025, El Mirage will reduce the total number of physical aggression referrals from 75 to 68, or 10%.
- GOAL 3 CULTURE: By May of 2025, El Mirage will enhance school culture by increasing the number of school events from a baseline of 10 events (23-24 SY) to 15 events (24-25 SY).