Electives Information
We are excited to share with you a wonderful opportunity for our students. For the 2024-2025 school year, we are offering electives to our 5th - 8th grade students. This opportunity will allow students to select from a variety of special area class choices.
Our electives run on a quarterly system, aligned with scheduled school quarters. Students will be allowed to choose and attend 2 different electives each quarter for a total of 8 courses for the year. The students will be required to include one section of iExplore Lab, Physical Education(PE), Art and Music. All courses offered run the length of one quarter, with the exception of Band, which is a full year course.
Course Registration
Once the course catalog is release, please take time to read through the packet with your child and discuss which elective courses they would like to choose. Use the elective preference form to select your final choices. Students are asked to rank their choices from 1 (top choice) to 5 (least favorite choice) with the understanding that the school will do their best to see that your child receives their top choices. Once this form is completed, please make sure to sign the bottom of the form, acknowledging your child’s choices. We will do our best to schedule students in their first choice classes, but it is not a guarantee.
Students will use this form to register electronically for their classes. We will collect the forms in case there are any mistakes in the electronic registration process.
Please understand that due to the way scheduling works, schedules will NOT be changed after the sign-up process. Students that do not have their forms signed and turned in on time will not be able to sign-up for electives in the first round of registration. Students who do not turn signed forms in will be placed in courses by the school. Courses will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis after the first day of sign-ups.
You can also contact any of our Special Area teachers with specific questions about their course offerings:
- Physical Education - trevor.sehr@dysart.org
- iExplore - robin.miles@dysart.org
- Art - juan.ibarra@dysart.org
- Band - christopher.roy@dysart.org
Please contact Mr. Sehr directly with any specific questions about electives or scheduling at trevor.sehr@dysart.org.
We are extremely excited to offer electives to our middle schoolers and allow them the opportunity to have some choice in their academic path.