Dysart Seeks Applicants for Asante Boundary Change Committee
DYSART SCHOOLS - The Dysart Unified School District is seeking parents/guardians, community members and staff who are interested in serving on a boundary change committee. The purpose is to evaluate possible boundary changes to accommodate the growth in the northern part of our district to Asante Preparatory Academy boundaries, and to provide a recommendation to the Governing Board. Potential recommendations may also impact other schools in the northern part of the Dysart district in order to offset and adjust for growth, and could involve changes in grade configurations as a consideration.
Interested individuals should complete the interest form at www.dysart.org/boundarycommittee by October 4 to apply. Those selected will be notified on or before October 6. Applicants should be prepared to attend meetings from 5:00 to 6:30pm on Tuesday, October 17 and Monday, October 23, and any subsequent meetings to be determined by the committee. Committee meetings will be open to the public to observe, but only committee members will be permitted to participate. Additionally, a Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, November 16 prior to the Governing Board Meeting where the public can provide comments on the proposed changes.
Dysart is committed to ensuring that there is representation from all impacted areas of the district on the committee. The committee’s final recommendations are expected to be presented to the Governing Board at a public meeting on Thursday, December 14.
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