Flyer Approval
With our Peachjar eFlyer program, the eFlyers are sent directly to parents’ email inboxes for easy access. Each year, our schools will save tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. In addition, paperless delivery of school flyers removes a significant administrative burden from teachers, office staff, and volunteers. School and school district-approved eFlyers will keep you informed about upcoming school activities, programs, and events. And our children's backpacks will be a little bit lighter! Parents will receive an welcome email with information on Peachjar, make sure to bookmark the website to view upcoming flyers from your child's school.
Non-school promotional material soliciting for or promoting participation in commercial offerings or politics will not be allowed on school property during school sessions or through the district’s eflyer website, mobile app or parent eflyer emails. Exempted from the category of commercial offerings are approved partnerships, equipment, naming conventions and legal advertisement that provide financial benefit to the educational program as determined by the Board.
Information for Vendors for non-school Promotional Materials
Per District Guidelines, Nonprofit, youth centered organizations wishing to provide information can submit their flyer by following the steps below. If approved, flyers will be emailed to all parents and posted online through Peachjar. Display/posting or stacking of physical non-school promotional materials may be considered on a case-by-case basis by request to the Communications and Public Relations Office.
- Agree that any charges for the instruction/activities will be based on and not exceed the cost of providing the instruction/activities;
- Not use fighting words, obscenities, defamatory speech or encourage disruption of the educational environment;
- Not provide representations or visuals that are inappropriate as described in The Children's Internet Protection Act;
- All images must be readable, and royalty-free, no copyright clipart allowed;
- Label all material with the name of the organization; dates of activities, location of activities, time of activities;
- Display the name, address and telephone number of the local representative for the organization prominently on the promotional material;
- Have an authorized representative of the organization complete the online application.
- Groups that do not hold current non-profit status from the IRS (501(c)(3) or other) or are not youth-centered shall not be distributed or made available on campus.
- Activities offered cannot compete with programs or activities offered by the district;
- If approved to provide hard copy materials, groups are asked to provide no more than 100 flyers to each school. The requesting organization must produce the flyers, and distribute to the schools, as approved, and flyers must contain the disclaimer, “This is not a school-sponsored event.”
Material Approval
To submit materials for approval, visit Peachjar.com and register as an organization. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards above. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. For questions, please email publicrelations@dysart.org or call 623-876-7195.