Innovation Signature Program
At Western Peaks, we teach and foster skills in communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity to enhance innovative thinking in our young students, which promotes social interactions.
Innovation in education encourages teachers and students to explore, research and use all the tools to uncover something new. It involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. The thinking process that goes into it will help students develop their creativity and their problem solving skills.
Guiding principles include:
Growth Mindset
Support students and teachers as innovators and creators who have a growth mindset, being persistent and courageous in taking on new challenges & willing to risk making mistakes on the road to new learning.
Collaborate with diverse groups of people using active listening skills, leadership skills and personal strengths to advance the goals of the group. Effectively communicate to a variety of audiences in a variety of modalities - speech, writing, digitally, visually.
Learners think deeply about content and concepts using critical thinking and problem solving skills. Foster an inquisitive mind and search for connections and deep understandings.
Digital Literacy
Demonstrate competency and command of media and information technology through the creation of digital artifacts to showcase mastery of learning.
Design Thinking Process
Developing empowered learners who are able to create change by fostering empathy and developing solutions using the Design Thinking Process. The final goal is for students and teachers to use the design thinking process to create innovative learning projects and products.