Thanks for choosing to enroll your student(s) in the Dysart Unified School District! There are a variety of options for enrollment, depending on your current status and desires. As a convenience, parents/guardians can complete the majority of the enrollment process online. Please review the choices below and select the appropriate link to begin your journey in the Dysart Unified School District.
What is Needed to Enroll?
- A government issued photo identification
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residency
- Immunization records
Current Open Enrolled 8th Graders
Please note that current enrolled Dysart 8th grade students that will be attending their home boundary high school do NOT need to complete student enrollment for high school. However, if a student wants to attend a high school other than their boundary school, they WILL need to apply for Open Enrollment. Eighth graders that live outside of Dysart district boundaries will need to apply for Open Enrollment to attend a Dysart high school next year.
Have Questions or Need Help?
The school you wish to enroll at is your best resource for Enrollment and Open Enrollment questions. To determine your child’s boundary school and find contact information, visit dysart.org/schoolfinder.
Are You a Current Dysart Student Looking to Open Enroll in Another School?
A student enrolling for kindergarten must be five (5) years of age on or prior to August 31 in the school year for which you are applying (ARS 15-821), unless the child has passed the Dysart Early Entrance Into Kindergarten Screener. To learn more about the Early Entrance Screener for students who turn 5 between September 1 and December 31, visit Dysart.org/EarlyKinder.Dysart offers several Preschool options (see below) to families to consider for children that do not meet the age or screener requirements.
First Grade
A student enrolling in first grade must be six (6) years of age on or before August 31 in the school year for which you are applying (ARS 15-821).PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION

Dysart is proud to offer top-quality preschool programs that will help prepare your child to succeed in life. We offer innovative and educationally stimulating preschool programs that feature an Arizona Early Learning Standards curriculum designed to help children develop skills in eight major content areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, Language and Literacy, Physical Development, Social and Emotional Development, Creative Arts, and Approaches to Learning.
Our mission is to help your child achieve his/her full potential academically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. The options available to parents are Growing Minds (tuition-based), Developmental Preschool, and Peer Role Model (free at Title I schools, tuition-based at others).

All children in the United States are entitled to a basic public elementary and secondary education regardless of their race, color, national origin, citizenship, immigration status, or the status of their parents/guardians. School districts that either prohibit or discourage children from enrolling in schools because they or their parents/guardians are not U.S. citizens or are undocumented may be in violation of Federal law. Click one of the links below to find out more facts about enrollment policies: