Weekly Updates 4/17/23
Dear Asante Families-
This week is the last week for our state testing in grades 3-8. Students will be testing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. It is very important to make sure your child gets a full night sleep, eats a good breakfast and has their chromebooks fully charged for testing these days. We truly appreciate your assistance.
Here are upcoming events and information:
- House color day is Monday and Asante Spirit Day is Friday!
- This is a final call for yearbook sales. Yearbooks can be purchased online only at www.gradsyearbook.com. The final date is April 24th.
- K-3 grade field day is coming on April 27th. See your teacher’s weekly email blast for more details
- 8th grade promotion tickets will be sent home the first week in May. Make sure to be aware of the message that went out last week in regards to those who will be eligible to participate.
- Save the date for Imagine, Create and Design which will be on May the 4th from 5:00-6:30 PM. The theme is sparking innovation! There will be performances, STEM activities, art activities, food trucks, presentations and more!
- Library book check-out will end on Friday, April 28th.
Thank you as always for your continued support. Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News