Spirit Week and Weekly Updates
Dear Asante Families-
We are so excited about our Imagine, Design, Create evening on this Thursday evening from 5:00-6:30 PM. The event will be full of wonderful presentations, student work, food trucks, student performances from our Choir and Band and make and take projects to do with your students. It is going to be a wonderful event and we hope you can join us!
Here are some other important updates upcoming:
- Student Council Spirit Week this week:
- Monday-Pajama Day (school appropriate)
- Tuesday-Decades Day (Dress in your favorite decade gear)
- Wednesday- Vacation Day (Dress in the shirt or garb from your favorite vacation spot)
- Thursday- Star Wars/Disney Day
- Friday- Asante Spirit Day (black and gold)
- Next week on Tuesday, May 9 at 3:30 we will be having our final PTO meeting this year. The new board will be elected at this meeting. Immediately following the meeting there will be a Peter Piper Night!
Thank you as always for your continued support. Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News