Important Updates
Dear Asante Families-
We are so excited to celebrate so many students all time bests in our school! Make sure you talk to your child each day not about what they did in school today, but what are they most proud of they have grown in! Each day is a chance to do better than the day before! If we keep focusing on getting better, it will be amazing what we will be able to accomplish by the end of the year!
- The Annual Student Update must be done by the end of August. Directions for completing can be found here. Make sure you hit submit when you complete the steps!
- Chromebook insurance is available through August 30th. It must be paid online. To pay fees online, you can pay fees here.
- Monday is House Color Day and Asante is Spirit Day to wear your spirit shirts or black and gold!
- If you are interested in ordering a spirit shirt or gear, here is a Link for Ordering Spirit Shirts. The 30% off sale will continue until September 7th. You can also order house shirts by typing in Asante and the house name on the page here. The houses are listed below:
- House Visionarious- Innovation-Red-Eagle
- House Fortitudo-Courage- Orange-Elk
- House Compassio-Compassion-Blue-Mustang
- House Creo-Creativity-Green-Bobcat
- House Fidelius-Loyalty- Purple-Bear
- Attendance is so important everyday. Please make sure your child is here and ontime. If for some reason they do need to be out, please call the attendance line 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News