Benchmark Testing and Weekly Updates
Dear Asante Families-
We want to thank our amazing PTO and all the volunteers who made the Trunk or Treat a success on Friday night! We truly loved seeing all of our students who could come and have fun. Students in grades 3-8 will be taking benchmark tests in reading in math this next week. Make sure to get a good night sleep and come to school!
Here are the important updates upcoming:
- This is the last week for the NJHS Soctober event. We will be competing by house color, the winninghouse will receive 1,000 points! Please donate gently used socks and blankets. Boxes will be located in the front office by Ms. Martin and Ms. Dean’s offices.
- The PTO is having a FUNdraiser this Thursday at PandaExpress nationwide. Any order placed at www.pandaexpress.com using the code 917774 will have 28% of the order donated to the Asante PTO.
- Our school office will be closed on the afternoon of October 30th at 1:15 due to training for the front office staff. This is after our 1:00 dismissal.
- Due to space constraints, we are going to be going to classrooms to do presentations of Principal List and Honor Roll certificates in classrooms Friday.
- Officer McPheeters was moved to a high school SRO position, but we will have an officer on campus everyday until we have a new permanent SRO.
- If your child will be out, please call the attendance line 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News