Weekly Updates 1/29/2024
Dear Asante Families-
This week our students in grades 3-8 will be taking their benchmark assessments in reading and mathematics. These assessments will help us to see progress of your child on standards and to help to tailor instruction for the rest of the year. We look forward to seeing their growth and area of needs and to be able to share it with you at conferences the next week.
Here are the upcoming events and information:
- Our K-4 students are participating in the Kids Heart Challenge here at Asante! Our goal is to have 100% of our school families join our online team and learn Hands Only CPR through Finn’s Mission. Don’t wait, register TODAY! Register at http://www2.heart.org/goto/AsantePreparatoryAcademy or download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android Our school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Mission. Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association! Together, we are saving lives! Our school has already helped to raise over $1,000.
- Parents of fifth through seventh graders, please save the date for a parent/student information night at Cimarron Spring on January 30th at 6:30 PM. To RSVP to the event, please fill out the link here.
- Monday is House colors day, and Friday is Asante spirit day!
- Yearbooks are on sale now for $30. Here is the link to order.
- If your child will be out, please call the attendance line 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a wonderful week!
Emily Dean
Asante News