Weekly Updates 3/11/24
Dear Asante Families-
Our students have been working so hard this year, and we are so proud of all of their accomplishments! One of the things we continue to focus on here at Asante is student growth. In doing so, we continuously look for students to strive for their own personal All Time Bests. This is a great way for you to have conversations with your children at home about what they are working on what they are hoping to get an “all time best in” !
As we head into the time of state testing this really helps all of our students see this time as a time not to be anxious at all, but just as a time to show what they know and to help us see where we can still help them to grow further! When we get back from Spring Break, our testing begins pretty quickly, so here is a link to the important dates. Please keep this in mind when making appointments etc.. as attendance is very important during this time.
Here are our other updates and information:
- Kindergarten Showcase is this Tuesday, March 12th beginning at 5:30 p.m. and is an event that families can learn more about our free, full-day program. The Showcase is a great opportunity for parents of future Kindergartners to tour the school, meet the teachers, and register your child.
- We are making snack kits for students during testing. We have gathered donations from many of our community partners. If you can make a donation of a box of fruit snacks, please bring your donation to the front office by Tuesday, March 26th. Thank you!
- Spirit Week by Student Council is this week, here are the days:
- Monday- House Color Day
- Tuesday- Cartoon Character Day
- Wednesday- Twin Day or Favorite Color Day
- Thursday- Superhero or Villain Day
- Friday- Asante Spirit Day
- Spring Break is coming the Week of March 18th-March 22nd.
- The district is seeking input about the start date and fall semester breaks for the 2025-2026 school year. Please take a minute to give us your input about your preferred calendar for that school year. Link to Give Input
- Don’t forget the attendance line to call your students out is 623-523-8903, or you can call 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a great week!
Emily Dean