Weekly Updates 5/13/24
Dear Asante Families-
We have some special events as this week as we head into the final two weeks of school here at Asante! Here are the details:
Asante Student Council is hosting their final Spirit Week this week. Here are the days:
- Monday is House Color Day.
- Tuesday is Disney or Nickelodeon Day.
- Wednesday is Western Day.
- Thursday is Hawaiian Day.
- Friday is Asante Spirit Day.
The PTO is hosting a final FUNdraiser for the year at Red Robin on Bell on Tuesday evening! Just mention Asante Preparatory or if ordering online, go to order.redrobin.com, then select the location, then go to Fundraisers (To-Go-Only) and add the item, then you can add your food and check out! 20% of the proceeds will come back to the PTO for the school, and you don't have to cook!
Chromebooks and chargers will be collected on May 17th for grades 2nd through 4th and then on May 20th for 5th-8th grades. Please note that any students who are missing a Chromebook or charger at turn in will be charged on their account for the devices. Your child will bring home receipts on the day of turn in. Missing chargers for the district are at a cost of $44.95 and Chromebooks cost $400.
Finally, the last two days of school May 22nd and 23rd are both 11:15 dismissal days.
Have a great week!
Emily Dean