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Your Invited with clothespins

Weekly Updates 3/4/25

The Asante PTO is having its final meeting on March 4th at 4:15 in the Media Center. Please come and learn more about plans and help to discuss the board positions for next year. Parent support of our PTO is critical to so many things we do at Asante. We hope you will join us! 

Our Ranger Games Field Day for 4th and 5th Grade is coming up this Friday, March 7th, from 9:20am-12:10pm. The students will be participating in different team events as a homeroom against the other homerooms to see who will win the Ranger Cup this year. 

 The following week our K-3rd will have their Field Days on Thursday, March 13th. The students will be participating in various stations. Please make sure to wear sunscreen, hats, and bring water bottles! Let's go, Rangers! 

State testing is coming soon to Asante. For a complete list of dates, please click here. 

Finally, please also don't forget to pick up your yearbook while they are still available. You can order them online, by clicking the online link here.


Tags: Asante News