Before and After School Childcare - Den Club
The Dysart Unified School District Community Education Department is proud to offer Den Club, our innovative before and after school care program. Through this program, students K-8 are able to learn and interact in a safe, caring environment. Under the supervision of trained adults, the children engage in a variety of activities specifically designed to improve their social interaction skills and promote cognitive and emotional development.
Den Club is offered Monday through Friday at eleven (11) elementary schools throughout the district. A Den Club team member will open the school doors at 6:00 am to welcome children in the morning. The morning program will remain open until the gates open at each campus. The afternoon session will begin when school dismisses and remain open until 6:00 pm. All Den Club programs close promptly at 6:00 pm.
- Asante Preparatory Academy
- Canyon Ridge
- Countryside
- Freedom Traditional Academy
- Kingswood
- Marley Park
- Mountain View
- Rancho Gabriela
- Sunset Hills
- West Point
- Western Peaks
Breakfast can be purchased in the school cafeteria every morning. We recommend that children participating in the morning program take advantage of this service. An afternoon snack is served daily to each child.
Den Club team members will allocate time for children to do their homework and provide a supervised place for students to work and study each day. It is the child's responsibility to take advantage of homework time and ask for assistance if needed.
Den Club programs operate year-round and offer services during school breaks. Selected Den Club Camps will be held during school recesses for an additional fee.
Break Camps
Dysart offers childcare camps for all seasons when school is not in session for fall, winter, spring, and summer academic breaks. Students enjoy a wide variety of fun-filled, educational and physical activities. Please visit our Break Camps page for more information.
Schedule Options
There are many different options for your students in our before and after care programs. You can choose to enroll your child either 4 days a week or 5 days a week with the option of both morning and afternoon, mornings only, or afternoons only. You can also choose to enroll your child on early release Mondays only.
Pricing (per month)
5- Day AM/PM - $318
4 -Day AM/PM - $299
PM Only $273
AM Only $147
Early Release Days $119