Uniform Policy
Student Uniform Dress Code
The Freedom Traditional Academy encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students are to dress in a manner that, in addition to the following guidelines, takes into consideration the academic environment, safety, health, and welfare of self and others.
To attend class, all students must be in compliance with all aspects of the Uniform and Dress Code policy. It is the responsibility of both parents and students to understand and comply with all Uniform and Dress Code standards. Extremes of clothing, hairstyles, and make-up are not appropriate to the academic environment.
FTA teachers ensure that students are in compliance with the Mandatory Uniform and Dress Code daily. When instances of non-compliance are identified, the school will notify parents. Parents may be required to bring appropriate dress or footwear to the school for their child(ren). All students must be in accordance with the following dress code.
Click HERE to go through the Dress Code Review for visual examples.
Mandatory Uniform Dress Code Options for 24-25
- The bottoms must be plain, uniform-style navy blue or khaki pants, skorts, shorts, skirts, or capris that are to be worn at the natural waistline.
- Cargo pants, leggings, jeggings, and sweatshirt type materials are not allowed.
- Bottoms that are tight-forming are not allowed.
- Jeans may be worn on Friday with an FTA spirit shirt. Jeans may not have any holes, shredding, logos, or embellishments.
- If belts are worn, they must be brown, khaki, or black of any material and cannot have embellishments or be a distraction.
- Shorts, skorts, and skirts must not be shorter than 3” above the knee. Tights and leggings must be in a solid color of white, navy blue, black, or red and must be accompanied by a skort/skirt.
- It is requested that shorts be worn underneath all skirts and jumpers for modesty during play. Skater type dresses are allowed as long as a collared shirt is worn underneath and there are pleats in the skirt.
- No polo style dresses are allowed.
- All shirts must be a solid color (No Pinstripes or logos of any kind are allowed). The only exceptions are solid colored shirts with the FTA logo.
- All shirts and visible undershirts must be a solid red, white, or navy blue. A collar and sleeves are required. Tucking in shirts is optional.
- No undergarments are to be visible.
- Outerwear can be of any color.
- Any outerwear worn inside the classroom (i.e. jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, and hoodies) must be in a single, solid color of red, white, navy blue, or gray and be plain or have no larger than 1 x1 logo.
- Jean or denim jackets worn inside the building are not allowed.
- No caps or sunglasses may be worn at school except for sun protection outside.
- Bandanas are not permitted.
- Shoes must be closed toe and adhere securely at the heel and be tied properly if they were designated to do so.
- Flip-flops, shoes made solely of flip flop material, “Crocs”, slippers, heels, wedges or any other footwear are not permitted.
- Shoes or boots can be no more than 3" above the ankle. No UGG style boots are allowed.
- “Heelies” or roller shoes can only be worn if the wheels are removed.
- Socks that are visible must be in a solid color of red, white, navy blue, or black. No embellishments or “crazy” socks are allowed. Socks cannot extend above the knee.
- Socks may have a 1” x 1” logo.
- Socks that are not visible can be of any color.
- Minimal jewelry is permitted.
- Jewelry cannot be vulgar, lewd, profane, offensive, or that carries a veiled sexual, gang, or violent message is prohibited. Jewelry is worn in the manner designed.
- Accessories must not be a distraction to the academic environment. All jewelry remains on the owner.
- Jewelry on pierced body parts other than the ear is not allowed. Any jewelry deemed to be a safety issue will be asked to be removed.
- Hair bows must be no larger than 2”x3” (credit card/ID size) and be in a solid color of red, white or navy blue.
- Headbands must lay flat to the head and be red, white, blue. Cat ear/unicorn type of headbands are not allowed.
- Face or eye makeup is not to be worn at school by students in grades K-6.
- For girls in grades 7-8, light face makeup that is natural looking may be worn in grades 7-8. It should not be excessive or disrupt the academic process.
- Visible tattoos (ink or temporary) must be covered.
- Nail color and nail length must not be a distraction to the academic environment. No artificial nails are allowed.
Hair Code Policy
- Hair is to be well groomed and out of the face. Hair length in front (for boys and girls) should not fall below the eyebrows or otherwise interfere with or obstruct student vision. Extreme hair designs and unnatural hair colors are not permitted.
- No mohawks of any length, or excessive shaved designs in the hair, and any other hairstyle that is tall enough or long enough to be distracting or disruptive to the student or to others in the academic setting. Dysart Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, or national origin in its administration of this hair policy.
Friday- Spirit Days
- Spirit days will be celebrated every Friday and students may wear a Freedom Traditional Academy t-shirt or regular uniform shirt with jeans.
- Jeans may not have any holes, shredding, logos, or embellishments
Picture Days
On picture days, students are allowed to wear what they would like as long as jeans do not have any holes or shreddings. Leggings are not allowed