Polar Express
Monday, December 12th from 5:30-7:00 pm
15150 W. Mondell Rd. Surprise, AZ 85374
Please enter the bus loop on the west side of the school
Below is a list of stops you will make on the Kingswood Polar Express.
1. Admin - Happy Elves
2. ESS/Pre-school - Frosty
3. Kinder - Bells
4. 1st Grade - Gnomes
5. 2nd Grade - Snowman at Night
6. 3rd Grade - Reindeer Food
7. 4th Grade - Gingerbread Candy Lane
8. Support Staff - Night Before Christmas
9. 5th Grade - Stay Refreshed During the Holidays
10. 6th Grade - Grinch Who Stole Christmas
11. 7th Grade - Christmas Vacation
12. 8th Grade - Christmas Vacation
13. Interventionists - Holly Jolly & 21st CCLC After-School Program Goodie Stop
14. Academic Specialists - Golden Ticket
Be sure to wave HI to Santa on the final stop!