Kingswood News
Administrative Professionals Day is tomorrow, April 23rd!
We love our amazing office staff! We hope that you join us in telling our very own Ms. Lynda, Ms. Sonia, and Ms. Elva "thank you" tomorrow for Administrative Professionals' Day! They are simply the best!
Dysart Job Fair: April 17th 3:00-6:00 PM
Are you looking to join our Knight family? Positions for the 25-26 school year are posted on our district website! Please join us at the district job fair on April 17th from 3:00-6:00 PM to learn more about our amazing district and school. We can't wait to see you there!
Happy Assistant Principal Week, Mr. Gilbert!
We are thankful for our amazing assistant principal, Mr. Gilbert! This week is National Assistant Principal Week, and we hope that you join us in taking a moment to thank Mr. Gilbert for all he does to make Kingswood an even better place!
Paraprofessionals Day
It takes a village, and at Kingswood, we are thankful for our amazing paraprofessionals who help our Knights day in and day out! Thank you for all that you do to support our students! You are amazing!
Happy Paraprofessionals Day!
Happy Month of the Military Child
April is Month of the Military Child! We are proud to serve many military-connected families at Kingswood. Please join us in celebrating them on National Purple Up Day on April 15th by wearing purple!
State Assessments Begin Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the big day! We will kick off our AASA testing for the 24-25 school year. We cannot wait for your Knight to do their best on the test!
A few testing day reminders:
- Attendance matters! Please be at school on time every day we are testing. Appointments should be rescheduled for other days if possible.
- Be prepared! Come to school and enjoy a healthy breakfast in our cafeteria to set you up for success. Breakfast is served from 7:55-8:15 when our first bell rings.
- Bring a book and wired headphones if possible! Students use headphones during testing and are allowed to read a book after testing while the test is still in session.
- Breathe! This test is important, but our Knights have worked hard all year to be prepared for grade level mastery of learning. They are ready!
AASA Testing Night
Parents and Guardians, join us to learn more about the AASA state assessments and how you can help your Knight be ready to do their best on the test!
Families will have the opportunity to write encouraging notes for their student. Notes will be distributed to the classrooms so that teachers can put the notes on your Knight’s desk prior to testing on testing days!
Kingswood Elementary School
Wednesday, March 26th

8th Grade Promotion Letter
8th Grade families, please check Parent Square for important reminders regarding our upcoming 8th grade promotion! Your students received a paper copy of this information as well. Reach out to Mrs. Miller or Mr. Gilbert with any questions!
Welcome, Future Knights!
Do you have a Kindergartener who is joining us for the 2025-2026 school year? Enroll today! We cannot wait to have you join our Knight family!
Spring Break: No School
There is no school the week of March 17th. Our school and office will be closed March 17th-21st.
School resumes March 24th. We can't wait to see our Knights again soon!
Kingswood has a City of Surprise Essay Contest WINNER!
Congratulations to Jocelyn, one of our amazing Knights, who was the winner of the City of Surprise Essay Contest Winner! We are so proud of you!
Kona Ice on Campus
Are you looking for a sweet treat after school? Visit Kona Ice from 3:00-4:00 near our front office! Shaved ice is available for purchase and ranges from $3.00 to $6.00. The best part is that a portion of the sales go back to our STUCO! Go, Knights!
Families, if you are enjoying Kona, please make sure you are parked in our parking lot and walk up with your student. Families cannot wait in the drop off line for their Knight. Thank you for helping to ensure our normal dismissal procedures run smoothly!
Happy Read Across America Day!
Today, we celebrate Read Across America Day: A day dedicated to the joy of reading and the power of books, where students and staff come together to explore new stories, characters, and adventures. Let’s inspire a love for reading and learning that lasts a lifetime!
AASA State Testing Information
Dear Knight Families
We want to share important information regarding the upcoming state assessment, AASA, Arizona’s Academic Standards Assessment and AzSCI, Arizona’s Science Assessment. Arizona public school students in Grades 3rd through high school will take AASA in English Language Arts (Writing and Reading) and Mathematics this spring. All 3rd graders take the AASA ORF, Oral Reading Fluency assessment. Additionally, students in 5th and 8th Grade take the AzSCI state assessment. Assessments serve various purposes dependent upon classroom, district and state level and are used in multiple ways to measure academic success.
All students will be taking the AASA online. In order to ensure a successful testing session, we are requesting that students bring headphones or earbuds the day prior to testing. If your child does not have headphones or earbuds, please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible. Also, students are not allowed to have cell phones or smartwatches out during testing. We are asking that on testing days students leave their phones or smartwatches at home or they will be required to give them to their teacher prior to beginning a testing session. We would like to thank all families in advance for supporting your child during testing. We ask that you make sure your child goes to bed early the night before testing to be well-rested for testing, has a good breakfast the morning of the test, comes to school on time and gives his or her best effort.
Our students and teachers have worked extremely hard all year to ensure all students are prepared for AASA. Let's work as a team for success. Attendance on testing days is critical; we ask that you do not check your child out early on days they are scheduled to test.
Knight Parents/Guardians, we also invite you to join us on Wednesday, March 26th for our Testing Night. This will include some information on the state tests, as well as time and supplies to write encouraging notes for your student. Notes will be delivered to teachers so that students have them on their desks on testing days! Thank you for supporting your child and their school success.
Cara Miller & Matthew Gilbert
Dysart Festival of the Arts
Saturday, March 8, 2025, we invite you to attend the Dysart Festival of the Arts presented by Germain Honda of Surprise held at Valley Vista High School from 10am-3pm.
This festival will consist of over 100 performances from all elementary and high school band, choir, theater, and dance programs along with a beautiful Art Showcase. In addition to all the performances and shows, there will be an Arts and Crafts fair with over 50 vendors from throughout the community and another 10 food trucks. Lastly, we hope you will visit the gym for our Arts Experience. The Arts Experience includes a multitude of hands-on experiences in all arts disciplines for any one of any age to try.
This is a free family-friendly event that is open to the public. For more information or a detailed schedule of performances, please go to Please come spend your day celebrating and experiencing the arts with us.
Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
Today is Bus Driver Appreciation Day! We love our Dysart Transportation team and thank them for getting our Knights to and from school safely each day! Thank you, bus drivers!
President's Day: February 17th
There will be no school on Monday, February 17th in honor of President's Day. It's a great time to relax, reflect, and celebrate the legacy of our nation's leaders. Enjoy the day off, and we look forward to welcoming our students back to school soon!
Happy School Resource Officer Day, Officer Karner!
February 15th is National School Resource Officer Day. We appreciate all that Officer Karner does to keep our school safe and foster positive relationships with our Kingswood community! He is such an important part of our school, and we are grateful for him! Thank you, Officer Karner!
Season 3 Tryouts
Is your Knight interested in Soccer or Basketball? Tryouts begin the week of February 18th. See Mrs. Miller's weekly message for more details.
ALL athletes must be registered on prior to tryouts!
Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are this week! Students will release at 1:00 PM on Thursday, February 6th and Friday, February 7th to allow for Parent Teacher Conferences. We can't wait to see you there!
Good luck in playoffs!
Good luck to our Boys Football, Boys Volleyball, and Girls Volleyball teams as they compete in playoffs! Go, Knights!
Yearbooks for Sale
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are for sale! If you would like your Knight to have a yearbook, you can order one here: Reserve Kingswood Yearbooks
Benchmark Testing for 3rd-8th Grade Knights!
It is time for Benchmark testing for ELA and Math!
Next week, students will participate in Benchmark testing on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is imperative that students report to school on time and are not signed out out early for appointments. Please plan accordingly! Thank you for supporting your student in doing their BEST on the TEST!
Tuesday, January 28th: Math Benchmark
Wednesday, January 29th: ELA Benchmark
100th Day of School
January 21st is the 100th Day of School! Make sure your Knight is at school to celebrate with us! We have several fun things planned on this special day!
No School January 20th
There is no school on January 20th in honor of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
We look forward to seeing our Knights back for learning on Tuesday, January 21st!
PTSA Pizza Night: January 28th
Save the date and join us for a PTSA Pizza Night on January 28th from 4:00-8:00 PM! Wear your Knight spirit shirts/colors and enjoy some pizza and games. Check out our social media for details!
Attendance Competition Spirit Week
We are in an attendance competition against another Dysart school! Help us win by coming to school EVERY DAY this week! It's always a great day to be a Knight, but this week is even better as we hold a competition spirit week! We can't wait to see your school spirit, Knights!
Monday, January 13th: Attendance is TIED to Great Learning! Tie Dye Day
Tuesday, January 14th: It’s TOE-tally Awesome To Come to School! Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday, January 15th: Attendance is a Big HIT! Sports Day
Thursday, January 16th: Good Attendance Leads to Bright Futures! Neon Day
Friday, January 17th: Roll Out of Bed & Into Learning! Pajama Day
Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2025! We look forward to another amazing year with our Knight community!
Enjoy the rest of Winter Break--school resumes on Tuesday, January 7th. We look forward to seeing all of our Knights here on time when doors open at 7:55 AM for an amazing day of learning!
Winter Break
Dysart schools and offices will be closed for Winter Break from December 23rd- January 6th. School resumes on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. We hope all of our Knight community has a safe and restful holiday season!
December 20th is an early release day!
Friday, December 20th is an early release day! School will release at 11:15 AM. Please be prepared to pick your Knights up in a timely manner.
Tax Credits
Are you looking for ways to support our school and get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit? Learn more here. There is still time to consider donating to Kingswood this year! If you have questions, call our office and we can support you!
PTSA Meeting
We will not hold a PTSA Meeting during the month of December. We will resume our normal meeting schedule in January. If you are not already a member, please consider joining! Thank you for being involved in all that we do here at Kingswood!
U.S. News and World Report Best School
Kingswood has been named a "2024 Best Elementary School" by U.S. News & World Report for placing among the top schools in the state of Arizona!
Way to go, Kingswood!
Lost and Found Items
Our Lost & Found bins are getting quite full! Did your Knight misplace a jacket or water bottle? Have them check the bins in our cafeteria before time runs out. All items will be donated at the end of the quarter!
Holiday Hoopla
Please join us for a PTSA Holiday Hoopla next Friday, December 13th. This event will be from 5:30-7:00 and include vendors, crafts, hot cocoa purchases, and more! See Parent Square for more details. We hope to see you there, Knights!
Q2 Grades close soon!
Quarter 2 is winding down, but there is still time to ensure that your Knight's grades represent their abilities! Please check in with your student and log into Parent Portal so that you can review their grades. If assignments are missing, NOW is the time to turn them in! Let's work together to help our Knights succeed this quarter!
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Items are IN!
Did your Knight participate in STUCO's Cookie Dough Fundraiser earlier this year? Items are in! Please see Parent Square for the details on pick up of these delicious items! Go, Knights!
Attendance Matters!
Knights, as we kick off a new month, please remember that your attendance matters each and every day! Success starts with healthy attendance!
When a student misses 2 days of school a month...
- They will miss 20 days a year.
- They will miss at least 20 hours of math.
- They will miss at least 30 hours of reading & writing.
- They will miss at least 1 year by graduation.
When a student misses 4 days of school a month....
- They will miss 40 days a year.
- They will miss at least 40 hours of math.
- They will miss at least 60 hours of reading & writing.
- They will miss at least 2 years by graduation.
Coffee Truck On Site Thursdays in December
Are you looking for ways to support the community and enjoy a cup o' joe while you drop your Knight off at school? The Goth Girl Coffee Truck will be on site from 7:00-8:15 AM every Thursday that we have school this month. Enjoy!
Thanksgiving Break is November 25th-29th
Knights, there will be no school November 25th-29th for Thanksgiving Break. Our school office will be closed, and we will resume school on Monday, December 2nd.
Have a safe break! We are thankful for our entire Knight community!
Turkey Trot Color Run
Our annual Turkey Trot is Monday, November 18th! This year, we will have an extra twist as this will be a color run! Yes!!!
Parents or guardians who wish to attend and watch may do so; signing in using a government-issued ID will be required and all attendees must be listed on Infinite Campus. Thank you, Knights!
No School- Veterans Day
There is no school on Monday, November 11th in honor of Veterans Day. Thank you to all who served!
Preschool Mystery Basket
The preschool students at Kingswood Elementary School got a very special treat and presentation from Dysart Nutrition Services Department. Students participated in a mystery basket activity and explored unique fruits and vegetables and learned about the importance of eating a balanced diet. The preschoolers were treated to a fresh and healthy smoothie and listened to the book “Sneaky Spinach” by Alexis Schultze. Exotic fruits and vegetables were passed around including dragon fruit, coconut, bok choy, rambutan, persimmon, snow peas and lemongrass. Students explored the smell, texture and color of the various items and learned about the nutritional benefits of eating a varied diet.
Make Sure You Vote!
The Dysart Governing Board called for the November 5, 2024 bond election at the March 14 board meeting after a unanimous community committee recommendation. The bond program would be $127 million to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Season 2 Sports
Is your Knight trying out for Boys Volleyball, Girls Volleyball, Cheer, or Flag Football?
All students must be registered on Aktivate/ Register My Athlete. Regardless of which season your child plans to participate in, the first step is to complete the registration in Aktivate/Register my Athlete. Our team here at Kingswood is here to help and support along the way! It is going to be a fantastic year of academic learning (our first priority, always!) and amazing athletic opportunities! Go, Knights!
Registration for Parents
❏ Go to
❏ Click Login
❏ Click Create an Account (You only need ONE account, even if you have children in more than one high school and/or junior high; Do Not create another account if you have used Register My Athlete in the past)
❏ Fill in personal account information (this should be the Parent’s personal information) ❏ You will be using the site as a Parent
❏ Click Create Account
❏ Lastly, input the account Verification Code that you’ll receive via email to confirm your account
After you have an account:
❏ Login
❏ Under the Parents header, select “Click here to start/complete athlete registrations“.
❏ Click Start/Complete a Registration (upper left hand corner of the page)
❏ Click Start a New Registration (this is where you will enter all of your Athlete’s information)
❏ Follow the prompts to complete all requirements for your school’s registration
If assistance is needed, click the orange button on the lower left side of the screen for live chat or email
Dysart Canned Food Drive
Kingswood is participating in the Annual Dysart Canned Food Drive! This begins today and ends on Friday, November 8th. Please consider donating to this cause and send your Knight to their classroom with their canned donations! Go, Knights! #uKNIGHTed
Estimated Impact to Your Taxes
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
The proposed 2024 Bond would fund facility renovations at each site
The Dysart Governing Board called for the November 5, 2024 bond election at the March 14 board meeting after a unanimous community committee recommendation. The bond program would be $127 million to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out.

The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Benchmark Testing
3rd-8th Grade Students will take their Benchmark Assessments on Tuesday October 22nd and Wednesday October 23rd! Go, Knights!

Fall Break is October 14th-18th!
Knights, we have no school October 14th-18th due to Fall Break. We will see you back for learning bright and early on Monday, October 21st! Enjoy your time off!

NO INCREASE Tax Rate Phase-in Plan
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at

Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
Parent Teacher Conferences
This week, we will hold Parent Teacher Conferences! We want 100% participation so that we can partner with you to ensure your Knight is successful at school! Please reach out to your teacher today if you have not signed up. Go, Knights!
Important Dates to Remember for the November Election:
- October 7 - Last day to register to vote
- October 9 - Early voting begins
- October 25 - Deadline to request vote by mail
- November 5 - Election Day
About the Bond
Dysart Schools has a $127 million bond initiative on the ballot to fund safety and security improvements, school bus replacements, facility renovations at each site, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area.
Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
The Dysart community is scheduled to pay off the voter-approved 2006 bond in fiscal year 2028. If approved, the proposed 2024 bond would phase in over three years, so there is no expected tax rate increase associated with the proposed bond. The bond tax rate would actually drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Learn more at
Note: Tax rates are an estimate and are influenced by a variety of factors including Maricopa County assessed valuation fluctuations. The tax rates listed here are based on a revised estimate in July 2024.
How Would the Bond Impact Schools?
- School safety improvements
- Replace Aging AC units
- Roof Sealing and Repairs
- Replace school buses over 15 years old
- Construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area
- Facility renovations at each site
If approved, the bond tax rate would drop to approximately half of the current rate beginning in 2029 due to the 2006 bond phasing out. Based on the estimated average assessed home value within our district of $197,830, the average homeowner would pay $5.94 per month, for a total of $71.22 estimated per year.
Learn more at

Support your Knights PTSA by enjoying Panda Express on 9/23/24!
PTSA Fundraiser: Panda Express Online Orders 9/23/24
Are you looking for a delicious lunch or dinner that also supports Kingswood? Consider ordering Panda Express using the information here on Monday, September 23rd. The best part is that this code can be used near or far--you do not have the be local to Arizona to enjoy! Thank you for supporting our PTSA!!!
Dysart Bond Informational Meeting
The meeting is an opportunity for the community to learn facts and get questions answered about the November 5, 2024 Dysart bond election, which would include the construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school in the Northwest Asante area, if it is approved. There will be a brief presentation of factual information relating to the bond by Dysart representatives, and then an opportunity for attendees to ask any questions they may have.
If you are unable to attend this meeting, additional meeting opportunities are available:
- Tuesday, September 24, 10:00am* - Hosted by City of Surprise District 2 at Grand Agua Fria Room (Sun City Grand), 17100 W. Clearview Blvd., Surprise AZ 85387
- Wednesday, September 25, 5:00pm - El Mirage Senior Center, 14010 N. El Mirage Rd., El Mirage, AZ 85335
- Friday, September 27, 10:00am* - Hosted by City of Surprise District 2 at AZ Traditions Ballroom, 17225 N. Citrus Rd., Surprise AZ 85374
- Monday, October 7, 10:00am - Hosted by PORA in the PORA Conference Room at 13815 W. Camino Del Sol, Sun City West, AZ 85375
The community is invited to learn more about the 2024 Dysart bond at, as well as detailed information on Dysart’s budgets and annual financial reports at
We hope you are able to attend to learn more and get your questions answered.
*Please note that some meetings are combined with city council district meetings, so there may be items on the agenda prior to the start of the Dysart Bond Information Meeting.
Site Council
As we work to be uKNIGHTed this year, consider joining our Site Council. This group meets monthly!
School site council responsibilities include being advisory to the school, being representative of the school community reviewing data and research, making recommendations for improvement, monitoring implementation structure for new instructional designs, providing leadership in school decision making structure and approving the spending of Extracurricular Tax Credit “School May Designate (project code 5500)” money.
Email Principal Cara Miller if you are interested.
Have you joined Parent Square yet? Stay up to date on school events and weekly learning by downloading the Parent Square app! This is our main communication tool! See below for some great information on what Parent Square offers and how to download it!
Athletics Registration
Is your Knight joining one of our sports teams this year? All students must be registered on Aktivate/ Register My Athlete.
Regardless of which season your child plans to participate in, the first step is to complete the registration in Aktivate/Register my Athlete. The forms below include directions to help you complete this task. Helpful videos for families are also included below! Our team here at Kingswood is here to help and support along the way!
How to Create Account & Begin a Registration
It is going to be a fantastic year of academic learning (our first priority, always!) and amazing athletic opportunities! Go, Knights!
Registration for Parents
❏ Go to
❏ Click Login
❏ Click Create an Account (You only need ONE account, even if you have children in more than one high school and/or junior high; Do Not create another account if you have used Register My Athlete in the past)
❏ Fill in personal account information (this should be the Parent’s personal information)
❏ You will be using the site as a Parent
❏ Click Create Account
❏ Lastly, input the account Verification Code that you’ll receive via email to confirm your account
After you have an account:
❏ Login
❏ Under the Parents header, select “Click here to start/complete athlete registrations“.
❏ Click Start/Complete a Registration (upper left hand corner of the page)
❏ Click Start a New Registration (this is where you will enter all of your Athlete’s information)
❏ Follow the prompts to complete all requirements for your school’s registration
If assistance is needed, click the orange button on the lower left side of the screen for live
chat or email
NO School in Observance of Labor Day
There will be NO school on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.
PTSA Meeting
Please join us Tuesday August 27th at 3:30 PM for our first PTSA meeting of the year! All are welcome! We have great things planned for our Knights! See you in the Library at 3:30!
Move On When Reading Information through 3rd Grade
In this information age, acquiring the ability to read and write proficiently is both necessary and crucial for a student’s academic success. It is essential that K-3 students have full access to effective, strategic and purposeful reading and writing instruction using strategies that have been proven to be successful with research and evidence. Arizona State Statute 15-704 requires school districts and charters to provide effective reading instruction, with initial screening; ongoing diagnostic and classroom-based reading assessments, and a system to monitor student progress.
2024 Move On When Reading - Spanish
For additional information please click here.
PTSA "Back to School Bash" at Peter Piper Pizza
Help us raise some dough and join us for our PTSA "Back to School Bash" at Peter Piper Pizza on August 13th from 4-8 p.m. at 12851 W. Bell Road, #20, Surprise.
Additional information will be sent home with students.
15% of all food, beverage and funpass game credits sales benefit Kingswood PTSA.
2024-2025 Athletics
We will be starting softball, baseball, and cross-country season soon! If your student is interested in trying out you must complete Register My Athlete before tryouts. All students are welcome to participate in cross country. Baseball and softball are reserved for 6-8th grades.

Boys Baseball
Girls Softball
Cross County

Flag Football
Girls Volleyball
NEW - Boys Volleyball

Boys & Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls Soccer
Kingswood Spirit Wear & Personalized Bottles on Sale Now!
Spirit Wear:
The online spirit wear store is open for students and families. Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Delivery is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 2, 2024.
Personalized Bottles:
Bottles run from $25-$45. Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Delivery is tentatively scheduled for September 4, 2024.
How to use the online store:
1. Visit Zag Fundraising Registration
2. Choose your organization’s state and name from the drop-down menus
3. Click the REGISTER button
4. Once registered, you will be given a Seller ID number. This is what your customers will use to shop on the Online Store!
5. Email family and friends the shopping link,, and the Seller ID.
6. Customers will have the option to have orders shipped to their home or delivered to the organization.
**Shipping fees apply only to orders that are shipped to home.
**All orders that are shipped to your
organization will receive FREE shipping.
Mondays are Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Just a reminder that every Monday Kingswood Elementary School dismisses students at 1:00 pm.
Annual Student Update
Annual Student Update It's that time of year again..... Time to complete the Annual Student Update.
This update is mandatory for your students to have access to any school technology. This year the district is requiring all updates be completed online through the parent portal. If you have not set up your parent portal account, we have included instructions on how to create one. The parent portal is also where you will find up-to-date information on your student's grades and attendance.
Updates need to be completed prior to August 1st to ensure your student has access to school technology when school starts.
Free Meals This Year!
Kingswood has been approved to operate Community Eligibility Provision this school year. As a part of the program, we are excited to announce that all students at Kingswood will receive breakfast and lunch at no cost!!
For additional information please click here.
Arrival and Dismissal
We are gearing up for an amazing school year! Our staff returns to campus next week, and we are all anxiously awaiting our time with you at Meet the Teacher Night and our first day of school! Take a look at our arrival and dismissal procedures to help you better prepare for a smooth drop off and pick up. As always, these procedures take a little while longer at the beginning of year; your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated! We will do our best to get your child to you as safely and quickly as possible at the end of the day. Thank you for doing your part to ensure we have a smooth drop off and dismissal!
Welcome Back to School!
The first day of school is Thursday, August 1st. Doors will open at 7:55 a.m. and school will start at 8:15 a.m. Students will be released at 3:00 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you then!
Join the Kingswood Team!
Looking for a great place to work. Then join our team at Kingswood. We have the following positions open:
- 6th Grade
- Resource
- Art
- Music
Apply online or email Principal Miller -
Kindergarten Experience 2024
Future Kindergarteners, please join us July 22 through July 25 from 8am to 11am for Kindergarten Experience. Your child will explore reading and math instruction while learning routines, procedures, and expectations needed for making friends and having a successful school experience. This will help with their transition into school and ease their anxiety as they begin a new school year! To register, stop by or call our front office prior to July 18th!
Back to School Supply List
School is just around the corner and we know that our Kingswood families are getting ready for the first day of school on August 1st. Teachers have worked together as a grade level to determine the supplies needed throughout the school year. Below is the list of school supplies for each grade.
As a reminder, our Meet the Teacher Night will be held on Tuesday, July 30th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Enjoy your summer!
8th Grade Parent Meeting
Do you have an 8th grader at Kingswood? Join us for the Mandatory Parent Meeting on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 5:00pm
Who Had Fun at 21st CCLC Summer Learning?
Our students had a great time learning and participating in several enrichment activities during our 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Summer Learning program that was held this month. Thank you to our teachers, staff and guest vendors for being at school during the summer to teach our students.
To see all of the fun that they have, be sure that you are following us on social media @KGWESKnights.
Meet the Teacher Night
Meet the Teacher Night is Tuesday, July 30th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. See you there!
Summer Office Hours
Kingswood Elementary School Office will be open during Summer Learning, June 3rd to June 20th, providing limited services.
Summer Learning Hours
Open: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Closed: Friday's
Our office will be closed from June 24th to July 9th.
Our office will reopen July 10th, Monday-Thursday from 7:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. We will be closed on Fridays.
Summer Break - May 24th to July 31st
We want to wish our Kingswood families a fun and safe summer break. The first day of school will be August 1st. See you then!
Early Dismissal at 11:15 a.m.
Students will be dismissed early on May 22nd and May 23rd at 11:15 a.m.
8th Grade Promotion and Activities
We are so excited to start planning for the 23-24 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on Thursday, May 23rd. This year we will be having our ceremony here at Kingswood, unfortunately, that also limits our space. We know this limited space is not ideal, so the ceremony will be recorded and emailed out immediately after the ceremony. That being said, all 8th-grade students will be given 4 wristbands that will act as entry tickets. No extra wristbands will be given to students, but families in our community may share them informally as needed amongst themselves. Wristbands will be given to students 1 week prior to the ceremony and will not be replaced if lost. Here is some additional information about the following:
- Parking is limited.
- Please DO NOT PARK at the Kingswood Place
- Carpool if possible
- Siblings are required to wear a wristband to attend.
- Due to time constraints, we are unable to pull siblings from class to attend the ceremony.
- If you plan on having a sibling attend the ceremony, they must have a wristband and must arrive with you to Kingswood.
- Babies on laps do not require a wristband.
- Space is limited so no strollers will be allowed inside the gym.
- Dress code is enforced according to Parent/Student Handbook
- No balloons or noise makers
Schedule of Events
- Doors open at 8:30 am
- Doors close promptly at 8:45 am
- Ceremony begins at 8:45
- Mix and Mingle in the Cafeteria…this is to receive certificates, take pictures, and sign-out students for the remainder of the day.
- Parents/Guardians can sign out their 8th graders in the cafeteria after picking up their certificates.
- ID is required if you are planning to sign out your child.
- Siblings not attending the ceremony will be dismissed at 11:00.
- Parents are required to be out of the building by 10:30 due to early dismissal.
- Early dismissal on the last day of school is at 11:00 a.m.
8th Grade Promotion Activities
Our 8th graders will have the opportunity to participate in several grade level activities prior to our culminating celebration of Promotion.
Free Picnic in the Park
- Monday, May 20th 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
- Walking Field Trip Permission Slip Required
- Yearbook signing…yearbooks will need to be purchased prior to the event
- Lunch is provided
8th Grade Promotion Dinner and Dance
- Permission Slip Required
- Friday, May 17th 6:00-8:00 PM
- Provided by PTSA Dinner: Taco Truck
- Entertainment: DJ E
- Students will not be permitted to leave without a parent/guardian signing them out
Promotion Ceremony Thursday, May 23rd
Final Band Concert
Kingswood's Final Band Concert will be held on Thursday, May 16th at 6: 00 pm at Valley Vista High School (15550 N Parkview Pl, Surprise, AZ 85374)
1st Place in Dysart District Math Challenge
Congratulations to our 3rd and 4th grade students who took 1st place in the Dysart District Math Challenge. A special thanks to Mrs. Ritchie and Ms. McEvoy for their dedication to our students. We are so proud of you.
Kindergarten-5th Grade Field Day
Families are welcome to join us for our Kindergarten-5th Grade Field Day on May 10th. Be sure to send your child with a water bottle, sunscreen, towel, change of clothes and tennis shoes.
Kindergarten - 9:00-10:57 a.m.
1st Grade - 9:39-11:49 a.m.
2nd Grade - 10:31-12:28 p.m.
3rd Grade - 11:10-1:07 p.m.
4th Grade - 11:49-1:46 p.m.
5th Grade - 12:28-2:25 p.m.
Please be advised, that animals will not be permitted to this event. If you have a small child that is not a student, they MUST, remain with you at all times!
For your child's safety, if you plan on taking your child home after Field Day, you MUST sign them out in the front office first. Students will then be called up from their classrooms to go home.
Thank You Kingswood Volunteers!
We were so excited to celebrate our volunteers and the hard work that they do for our school at a special breakfast. These amazing volunteers help in the classroom, library, testing students, and so much more! Thank You!
Volunteers CARE, Volunteers HELP... Volunteers make a DIFFERENCE!
Congratulations to our Knights!
Our undefeated boy's basketball team won the championship game last, for the second year in a row. Congratulations and great job Knights! Shout out to our amazing cheer team for supporting them this season.
Shield Winners Celebrate at an Ottawa Baseball Game
Thank you Ottawa University Baseball Team for celebrating our March Shield Winners at your last home game on April 23rd. Congratulations on winning your game against Benedictine Mesa 7-4.
Our Kingswood families had a fun evening going on the field, meeting the players, and even playing catch with the players. Great job to Mrs. Green, our Math Interventionist, for throwing out the first pitch.

These students were recognized for displaying the Knights Code Characteristics: Being Respectful, Being Responsible, Being a Learner, and Being Safe.
School Lunch Hero Spirit Day
To celebrate School Lunch Hero Day we will have a hero-themed spirit day this Friday, May 3rd. Help show your support for our school nutrition professionals who make a huge difference in the lives of every child who comes through the cafeteria. Be sure to wear your super hero gear!
Family Science Night and Ice Cream Social
Join us on April 30th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. for our Family Science Night and Ice Cream Social hosted by our 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLS) and PTSA. This fun family event will feature hands-on science activities, an opportunity to tour our Kingswood Garden, and much more! You won't want to miss this event!
Spring Holiday - NO SCHOOL
There will be NO school on Friday, April 26th in observance of our Spring Holiday. Have a great weekend.
AASA State Testing Schedule
3rd-8th grade students will take their state assessments throughout April. Below are the dates your child will test. You can help your child be successful by not scheduling any appointments on these days so that your child can be present for the entire school day. Make sure that they get a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast in the morning. We also ask that you do not check your child out early on these testing days. Students are encouraged to bring their headphones from home to be plugged into the computer. Thank you for your support!
- April 2 - Writing 3rd-8th Grade
- April 8 - AZ Science Part 1 5th & 8th Grade
- April 9 - AZ Science Part 2 5th & 8th Grade
- April 10 - AZ Science Part 3 5th & 8th Grade
- April 10 - Oral Reading Fluency 3rd Grade
- April 16 - ELA Part 1 3rd-8th Grade
- April 17 - ELA Part 2 3rd-8th Grade
- April 18 - Math Part 1 3rd-8th Grade
- April 19 - Math Part 2 3rd-8th Grade
National Assistant Principal's Week
This week we celebrate Mr. Gilbert during National Assistant Principal's week for doing amazing work here at Kingswood. Thank you for all that you do for us!
Help Support Kingswood Through Tax Credit
You can support Dysart Schools and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit. Donations can go towards Athletics, Enrichment, Fine Arts and School Designated. Donations can be submitted up until tax day on April 15, 2024.
What is a tax credit?
Arizona Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows married couples filing jointly a tax credit of up to $400 and individual taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200 when they contribute to extra-curricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available to all who reside in Arizona and have a tax liability at least equal to that of their donation. You do not have to be a parent of a child in a Dysart school to benefit from this law. Corporations are not eligible. Contributions are donated directly to the schools. This means your donations are used directly to support student activities of the Dysart school of your choice.
Kingswood's Robotics Team Places 3rd!
Congratulations to our Robotics Team who placed 3rd in the Dysart Unified School District competition. Thank you, Coach Miles, and to the team: Rey-Han, Brody, Charlotte, Raiden, Xander, and Hayden for working so hard. We are proud of you.
3rd Quarter Honors Assembly
We are excited to celebrate our students' academic achievements during our 3rd Quarter Honors Assembly this Friday, March 29th. Students who will be recognized for Honor Roll, Principal's List, or ARMOR will receive a special invitation notifying parents.
4th Grade - 8:30 a.m.
5th & 6th Grade - 9:00 a.m.
7th & 8thGrade - 9:45 a.m.
Great Job Knights!
Basketball Season is Here!
Basketball season begins this week! Below is the game schedule for the boys and girls teams.
Good luck and go KNIGHTS!
Congratulations to Kingswoods Dysart Heroes!
Congratulations to our Health Service Assistant, Mr. Kevin, and our Family Outreach Specialist, Mrs. Renee, for being awarded the 2023-24 Dysart Hero Award.
Dysart Hero Awards are nominated by peers and are presented to certified and classified staff, administrative employees, and a district volunteer who have made positive contributions to the Dysart Unified School District.

Teacher Mejia Nominated for the Ginger Lee Francia Special Education Teacher of the Year Award
We are so excited to announce that Scout Mejia has been nominated for the Ginger Lee Francia Special Education Teacher of the Year award! Congratulations Teacher Mejia! Teacher Mejia goes above and beyond for our students every day and is well deserving of this special award. Please join us by casting your vote! Let's recognize their hard work and dedication to our students. Voting goes until March 21st.
Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
School will be closed from March 18th to 22nd for Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, March 25th.
We hope that our Kingswood families have a fun and safe break.
Give Us Your Input - 2025-2026 School Calendar
The district is seeking input about the start date and fall semester breaks for the 2025-2026 school year. Please take a minute to give us your input about your preferred calendar for that school year.
Kindergarten Showcase
DYSART SCHOOLS - Dysart Schools will host Kindergarten Showcase events on Tuesday, March 12 beginning at 5:30 p.m. so that families can learn more about the free, full-day program. The Showcase is a great opportunity for parents of future Kindergartners to tour the school, meet the teachers, and register their child. Information on before and after school programs available through Dysart's Community Education Department will be available as well.
Dysart schools are among the top-rated in the state of Arizona and provide a FREE, FULL-DAY Kindergarten program in a safe, caring environment. The Dysart kindergarten program follows Arizona state standards, and offers hands-on, real-life activities in the areas of Cognitive, Social, and Physical development. Parents can learn more about Dysart School’s Kindergarten program at
Dysart schools offering full-day kindergarten include Asante Preparatory Academy, Canyon Ridge, Countryside, El Mirage, Freedom Traditional Academy, Kingswood, Luke, Marley Park, Mountain View, Rancho Gabriela, Riverview, Sunset Hills, Surprise Elementary, Thompson Ranch, West Point, and Western Peaks.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open for Dysart Schools. Parents may register their child online at or by visiting their local school. In order to register for school, parents must provide a birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency. To determine the school boundary for your residence, please visit Open enrollment is available for parents who would like their child to attend a school other than their home school. Information on Open Enrollment is available at
Coffee with the Principal - School Safety
Join us this Friday, March 8th at 8:15 a.m. for our Coffee with the Principal, which will be held in our library. We will have a guest speaker, Office Karner, discuss school safety, his role as our SRO, and much more!
Please use the library doors to enter.
Student Council Read Across America Spirit Week
To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday and love for reading, Student Council will have a Read Across America Spirit Week March 4-8th.
- Monday 3/4 - Green Eggs and Ham: Wear Green
- Tuesday 3/5 - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: Color Wars (A Wing-Yellow, B Wing-Blue, C Wing-Red)
- Wednesday 3/6 - Wacky Wednesday: Wear mismatched clothes
- Thursday 3/7 - The Lorax: Wear Orange
- Friday 3/8 - The Cat in the Hat: Wear red or stipes
Family Game Night
Join us on Thursday, February 29th for our 21st Century Afterschool Program for a fun night of playing games with your child. This free event will be held in the cafeteria from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Pizza and drinks will be provided by Kingswood PTSA. Don't miss out!
Congratulations Ms. Deissler
DYSART SCHOOLS - Over the past year, 10 Dysart Schools staff members earned their National Board Certification, and 15 have renewed their certification, bringing the total number of National Board Certified staff members to 66. National certifications are the highest and most rigorous credentials that can be earned for various professions across the U.S. for teachers, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists and behavior analysts, and are overseen by their respective organizations.
Congratulations to Ms. Deissler for working hard to receive your National Board Certification for Teachers for the first time.

Elite Eight Attendance Competition
We are so excited to announce that Kingswood is now competing in the Elite Eight this week! Thank you for attending school each day, arriving on time, and not leaving early. You’ll never know what you missed unless you show up. Attendance Matters!

Elite Eight Schools
- El Mirage
- Rancho Gabriela
- Kingswood
- Riverview
- Marley Park
- Sunset Hills
- Mountain View
- Western Peaks
Parent University: AASA & Benchmark Testing
Join us on February 21st at 8:15 a.m. for our Parents University as we discuss AASA and Benchmark Testing. Topics to discuss are:
- Who takes these assessments
- Why are they given
- How can you help your student
This informal meeting will be held in one of Kingswood conferences rooms. Please check in at the front office (be sure to have your ID).
Presidents Day - No School
In observance of Presidents Day, there will be NO school on Monday, February 19th. School will resume on Tuesday, February 20th at 8:15 a.m.
Annual Parent Survey
The Dysart Unified School District is seeking your input on our Annual Parent Survey. We want to know what our district and schools are doing well and how we can improve in the future. We have streamlined the survey, so it should take under 5 minutes to complete. It will be open through February 18. The survey may be found in English at and in Spanish at
Thank you in advance for your input.
Sweet 16 Attendance Competition
We are excited to announce that Kingswood Elementary is 1 of 16 schools that made the "Attendance Matters" Madness Playoffs, which will begin February 12th!
Way to go Knights! You will be competing to improve your own attendance rate as much as possible for as long as you remain in the playoffs. The eight schools that improve the most from February 12-16 will move on to the Elite 8 (February 20-23), then the Final Four (February 26-March 1) and finally the Championship (March 4-8), with the same goal each week.
Help our school move on and make it to the Championship round by attending school each day, arriving on time, and not leaving early.
We can do this Knights!!
Yearbooks on Sale!
Our special $30 price for this years Yearbook has been extended until February 14th. Click here to purchase yours today!
Student Council Valentine Vibes Spirit Day
Show your spirit on February 14th for our Student Council Valentine Vibes Spirit Day. Wear red, pink or white.
Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Students will be released early on Thursday, February 8th, and Friday, February 9th at 1:00 pm so parents can attend our Parent-Teacher Conferences on these two days.
NO After-School Club February 6-9th
Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Afterschool Clubs will NOT be held February 6-9th.
The Knight's Before Daybreak (open library) WILL BE OPEN the week of February 5th from 7:15 to 7:55 a.m. Please be aware that the doors close at 7:45 a.m. Students who arrive after this time must wait for the school to open at 7:55 a.m.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars for our Parent-Teacher Conferences on February 8th and 9th. Teachers will be sending information home to schedule appointments.
Please be advised that these two days are also early dismissal at 1:00 p.m.
If your child is in 8th grade, please join us for an important parent meeting about 8th Grade Promotion, which will be held on Wednesday, February 8th from 6:00-6:30 pm.
AZ Diamondbacks Attendance Matters
We are excited to announce that Kingswood will be participating once again in the AZ Diamondbacks Baseball Team Attendance Matters program. All students who have “perfect attendance” for February will receive a certificate redeemable for a D-Backs baseball game.
When you miss school, you miss out. Your attendance matters!
Student Council Super Bowl Spirit Day
Show your spirit on Friday, February 9th for the Student Counicl Super Bowl Spirit Day. Wear your favorite teams' shirt.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Kingswood PTSA has brought the Scholastic Book Fair back to Kingswood!
Students will be able to shop during specials.
Families can shop on Thursday, February 8th during Parent-Teacher Conferences from 1:30 to 6:00 pm.
Shop online from Feb 5 – Feb 18 to support our school!
Bring on the Bookjoy—25% of every online purchase during the Fair directly benefits our school! CLICK HERE TO SHOP

Benchmark Testing for 3rd-8th
All 3rd-8th grade students will be taking Benchmark Tests from January 30th to February 2nd. You can help your student(s) be successful by making sure that they arrive at school on time, have a healthy breakfast, and get a good night's sleep.
Take your time and do your best Knights!
Congratulations to the students who made this year's 2023-24 Volleyball Team. The first game is on Monday, January 29th at 5:00 pm at Kingswood. For the full schedule, please CLICK HERE
Good luck and go Knights!
Honors Assembly - Quarter 2
We are excited to celebrate our Knights' academic accomplishments on January 25th in the gym. Families of those who are being recognized are welcome to attend. Please be on the lookout for an invitation that will be sent home with students.
4th Grade - 8:30 - 8:55 am
5th & 6th Grade - 9:00 - 9:40 am
7th & 8th Grade - 9:45 - 10:25 am
Congratulations and Great Job Knights!
100th Day of School
Kingswood students will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on January 23rd with many fun activities in class.
Football & Cheer
Congratulations to the students who made this year's 2023-24 Flag Football and Cheer Team. The first flag football game is on Tuesday, January 30th at 5:00 pm at Riverview. For the full schedule, please CLICK HERE
The Cheer Team will be cheering at all home games.
Good luck and go Knights!
Coffee with the Principal
Join us for our Coffee with the Principal on Friday, January 19th from 8:15 to 9:00 a.m. in our school library
- How to help prepare your child for Benchmark Testing
- School Goals - Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Achieve 3000 Software, which is used by your child in class
Please enter through the Library Doors.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 1/15/24
School will be CLOSED on January 15, 2024 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, JR Day.
Season 3 Sports Tryouts
Season 3 Sports Tryouts are just around the corner. Students, who have not previously played a sport, will be required to bring a Parent Permission Slip with them on the first day of tryouts. This packet is located in the front office.
Flag Football
- Tryouts: January 9th - 11th from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Roster: Will be posted January 12th
- Conditioning: January 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 & 26 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Game Schedule: CLICK HERE
- Game Locations: Countryside & Riverview
- Mandatory Parent Meeting: January 16th at 4:45 p.m.
Volleyball Tryouts
- January 9th - 11th from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Roster: Will be posted January 12th
- Conditioning: January 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 & 26 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Game Schedule: CLICK HERE
- Game Locations: Kingswood & Freedom Traditional
- Mandatory Parent Meeting: January 16th at 4:45 p.m.
Cheer Tryouts
- January 10th - 12th from 3:30-4:45 p.m.
- Final Try-Out - January 16th from 3:30-4:45 p.m.
- Conditioning: January 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 & 26 from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- Game Schedule: Flag Football Home Games ONLY
- Game Locations: Countryside & Riverview
- Mandatory Parent Meeting: January 16th at 4:45 p.m.
Good Luck Knights!
Welcome Back to School!
We hope that our families have had a wonderful Winter Break and look forward to seeing our Knights back at school on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 8:15 a.m. well rested and ready to learn!
Start the New Year Right!
Start the new year right by being here when we start back on January 9th. Your attendance matters.
Celebrating Kingswood's "A" Rating
We are so proud that Kingswood Elementary School earned an “A” rating from the school accountability labels for the 2022-2023 school year! Kingswood is one of 18 schools in the district to receive the “A” rating. Additionally, the school ranked in the top 10% of schools in the state.
The school accountability labels measure year-to-year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.
"A" Celebration
Kingswood is celebrating our "A" Rating with several fun activities and a spirit week.
- Monday we celebrate "Academics" by dressing as a nerd and Storming the Halls.
- Tuesday we celebrate "Arts" by wearing an art shirt. At the end of the day, students "Stopped, Dropped, and Celebrated" by having snacks provided by the Student Council.
- Wednesday we celebrate "Athletics" by wearing a sports shirt. At the end of the day, students "Stopped, Dropped, and Celebrated" by playing a fun game.
- Thursday we celebrate being "Awesomely" Bright by wearing neon colors and listening to music during lunch.
- Friday we celebrate being "A" Knight by wearing a Kingswood shirt and listening to music in the halls before school starts.
We are so proud of this "Amazing" accomplishment and encourage our students to continue to make their Academics a priority!

December 22nd - Early Dismissal at 11:15 a.m.
School will be dismissed early at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, December 22nd. Have a wonderful Winter Break.
Years of Service


Be sure to check out our social media for more photos of Kingswood's amazing teachers and staff as we celebrate them!
Winter Break ~ December 25 to January 8th
School will be closed for Winter Break from December 25th to January 8th. School will resume on January 9th at 8:15 a.m.
Students will be dismissed early on Friday, December 22nd at 11:15 a.m.
We would like to wish our Kingswood families and wonderful holiday season.
Holiday Hoopla Event
Join us on Tuesday, December 12th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for our Holiday Hoopla, hosted by our PTSA.
This fun family event will feature
- 3 Classic Movies (Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman & the Grinch)
- Holiday Craft Stations
- Kid's Korner Holiday Shoppe
- Holiday Gift Basket Raffle
- Vendors
- and much more!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Student Council Holiday Hoopla Spirit Week
Show your spirit during our Student Council Holiday Hoopla Spirit Week, December 11-15th!
- Ugly Sweater Monday (December 11th) - Wear an ugly sweater
- Grinch Tuesday (December 12th) - Wear Grinch gear or green
- Winter Hat Wednesday (December 13th) - Wear a Santa hat or beanie
- Jolly Thursday (December 14th) - Wear a holiday shirt
- Flannel Friday (Decemeber 15th) - Wear a Flannel shirt - NO PJ bottoms!
PTSA Kid's Korner Holiday Shoppe
The Kids’ Korner Holiday Shoppe will be open for students to shop December 11-15th during the school day. Each class will have a shopping time scheduled. Gifts are priced within a child’s budget, ranging from $.50 - $15.00. (CASH ONLY/no checks will be accepted)
The Holiday Shop will also be open for families to shop during the Holiday Hoopla Event on December 12 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
K-4 Holiday Concert
Families are invited to attend our K-4 Holiday Concert on Tuesday, December 12th in the gym. This winter-filled concert will be held during students special classes:
Kinder - 11:40 a.m.
1st Grade - 12:20 p.m.
2nd Grade - 1:00 p.m.
3rd Grade - 1:40 p.m.
4th Grade - 2:20 p.m.
Dysart Education Foundation Laird Teacher Mini-Grant Winner!
Congratulations to 5th-Grade Teacher, Mrs. Albin, for being awarded the Dysart Education Foundation Laird Teacher Mini-Grant, presented by Board Members, Principal Timbrooks and Carolyn Barnett.
Kingswood Wins Districtwide Attendance Competition!
During the week of November 13th - 17th, Kingswood competed against Asante Prep in a districtwide attendance competition to see who had the highest percentage of perfect attendance. The results are in... and Kingswood WON! Great job and congratulations.
Thank you students and parents for making school attendance a priority!
Thanksgiving Recess - NO SCHOOL
Thanksgiving Recess is November 20-24th. There will be NO SCHOOL. School will resume on Monday, November 27th at 8:15 a.m.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Turkey Trot
Families are invited to our Annual Turkey Trot on Friday, November 17th.
8:20-9:00 a.m. - 8th Grade
9:00-9:40 a.m. - 7th Grade
9:40-10:20 a.m. - 6th Grade
10:20-11:00 a.m. - 5th Grade
11:40 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. - Kinder
12:20-1:00 p.m. - 1st Grade
1:00-1:40 p.m. - 2nd Grade
1:40-2:20 p.m. - 3rd Grade
2:20-3:00 p.m. - 4th Grade
Cookie Dough & Popcorn Fundraiser
It's back! Student Council is having a cookie dough and popcorn fundraiser.
Sales begin November 6th.
All orders are DUE November 17th.
Order pick-up is December 15th from 3-5 pm.
What is being sold?
- Gourmet Arizona Cookie Dough and Frozen Treats
- Poppin Popcorn & Wallaby Licorice
- Personalized Items: Water Bottles and Tumblers
- Hundreds of items can be purchased ONLINE ONLY!
Student safety is our top priority! Please DO NOT sell door-to-door.
For more information visit (enter group KWE23)
Thank you for your support of Kingswood Student Council!
Kingswood Earns an A!
We are so proud to announce that Kingswood Elementary School earned an “A” rating from the school accountability labels for the 2022-2023 school year! Kingswood is one of 18 schools in the district to receive the “A” rating. Additionally, the school ranked in the top 10% of schools in the state.
The school accountability labels measure year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.
Veterans Breakfast - All Families Are Welcome!
All Kingswood Families are Welcome!
Help us honor our Veterans by joining us on Thursday, November 9th for our Veterans Breakfast from 7:30-8:00 a.m. Doors will open at 7:15 a.m.
We will serve several breakfast options: pancakes & sausage, cereal with graham crackers, or red, white, and blueberry parfait with granola.
The cost is $1.75 per guest (Cash Only - Please Bring Exact Change)
Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
Kingswood Elementary School will be CLOSED on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veterans Day. School will resume on Monday, November 13th at 8:15 a.m.
Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe.
Honors Assembly - Quarter 1
We are excited to celebrate our Knights' academic accomplishments on November 1st in the gym. Families of those who are being recognized are welcome to attend. Please be on the lookout for an invitation that will be sent home with students on Friday, October 27th.
4th Grade - 8:30 - 8:55 am
5th & 6th Grade - 9:00 - 9:40 am
7th & 8th Grade - 9:45 - 10:25 am
Congratulations and Great Job Knights!
Parent University: DIBELS
Join us for our Parent University: DIBELS Session on Friday, November 3rd from 8:15 - 9:00 a.m. This presentation will explain what DIBLES is. Who takes this assessment? Why is this assessment given? What we do with the data. What you can do to help your student(s), and much more!
This session will be held in the Kingswood Library. Attendees can use our Library doors to enter the building.
If you have any questions please contact our Family Outreach Specialist, Mrs. Renee, at 623-876-7641 or by email at
Goosebumps Goodies Event
Join us Friday, October 27th for our Goosebumps Goodies Event. This fun outdoor event will feature food trucks, vendors, and of course... CANDY!
Students MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Come in your costumes, but please no masks and MUST follow dress code.
Thank you PTSA for supporting this fun event.
Front Office Closing Early
Kingswood front office will be closed early on Monday, October 30th at 1:30 p.m. It will re-open on Tuesday, October 31st at 7:15 a.m.
Thank you ~ Kingswood Staff
Benchmark Testing for 3rd-8th Grade Students
All 3rd-8th grade students will be taking Benchmark Tests October 24th-26th. You can help your student(s) be successful by making sure that they arrive to school on time, have a healthy breakfast, and get a good night's sleep.Take your time and do your best Knights!
Student Council Spirit Week
Show your school spirit during our Student Council Spirit Week October 23rd-27th.
- October 23 Minion Monday - Wear a Minion shirt
- October 24 Travel Tuesday - Dress from your favorite era
- October 25 Disney Wednesday - Dress like your favorite character or wear a Disney shirt
- October 26 Teacher Thursday - Dress like a teacher
- October 27th Freaky Friday - Wear your costume. NO MASKS!
All Spirit Wear MUST FOLLOW DUSD DRESS CODE. Hats are not permitted in the building.
Feed the Monster
We are having a candy drive for our Goosebumps Goodies event on Friday, October 27th. Students can "Feed the Monster" each morning as they enter school.
Thank you Kingswood families for your support!
Fall Break
There will be no school October 9-13th for Fall Break. School will resume on Monday, October 16th. Have a fun and safe vacation!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars for our Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 5th and 6th. Teachers will be sending information home to schedule appointments.
Please be advised that these two days are also early dismissal at 1:00 p.m.
Nominate Your Favorite Teacher
Students, talk to your parent or guardian about nominating your outstanding teacher for the Silver Apple Award! Winning teachers will be featured on 3TV and receive a $1,000 prize!
For more information and application CLICK HERE.
Nominations accepted through March 15, 2024
Soccer Try Outs
Tryouts: October 3rd and 4th from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Students need to meet on the small playground immediately after school.
Grades: 6th - 8th grade
Requirement: Students MUST have a signed Parent Permission Slip from the Sports Packet in order to try out. These are available in the front office.
Team Rosters: Posted on October 5th
Cost: A $60 fee MUST be paid in order in order to get a uniform
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Tuesday, October 17th immediately following practice on the field
Season: October 30th -December 8th
Playoffs: December 11th - 15th
Game Locations: El Mirage and Riverview
Coaches: Boys - Coach Kevin Girls - Coach Renee
APS Supply My Class
APS Supply My Class awards $500 to 500 randomly selected teachers in APS territory to help ensure they have the necessary resources to support their students. This year, five Kingswood teachers were chosen as recipients.
Congratulations to Ms. Baker, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Neill, Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Williams!

"Vaping 101" Event for Parent
Dysart Schools invites you to join us for a Vaping 101 presentation on Wednesday, September 27 from 6:00-7:30pm at The Vista Center for the Arts (15660 N. Parkview Place, Surprise, AZ 85374).
Vaping is one of the largest behavioral issues we see in our schools today, especially among middle and high school students. This event will explore current facts and myths around vaping, and you’ll leave with effective solutions in protecting your student(s). Anyone in the community is welcome to attend, and the presentation is appropriate for all ages, so parents can bring their school-aged children along to hear about vaping directly if they choose.
Arts In Education Week
This week we celebrate Arts in Education. Kingswood provides students with the opportunity to explore their artistic side through a rigorous and relevant comprehensive art program aligned with Arizona State and National Standards. Arts education plays an integral role in a child's development. Kingswood offers art education in the disciplines of music and visual arts. Art education not only inspires and motivates students to enjoy learning, it also supports creative and critical thinking skills, builds self-confidence and self-awareness, enhances communication skills, and improves cognition.
Be sure to check out our social media as we highlight Kingswood Art Education this week. @KGWESKnights
Site Council Meeting
Join us on September 20th from 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. for our September Site Council Meeting.
The purpose of the Site Council is to manage the collection and distribution of public tax expenditure funds donated to the campus. During the academic year, the Site Council will focus its efforts on extra-curricular clubs, athletics funding, fine arts, and staff compensation for structured tutoring services. Ongoing fundraising, via community tax credit applications, will also play a prominent role.
Picture Day
Picture Day is on Friday, September 22nd. Information will be sent home with students or you can visit, search for Kingswood, and click on the green order button. You will be able to order online now and for up to four days after picture day.
Here are some helpful tips to make picture day great!
- Schedule haircuts 7-10 days prior to picture day
- Wear simple clothing. Solid shirts or small patterns, along with sleeves, photograph best. A simple collared shirt is a timeless classic.
- Avoid logos and text on clothing. Graphics or wording may not photograph completely and can become partially cropped out of your picture.
September is Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Just a few missed days here and there can add up to too much lost learning time and put your student behind in school. This is as true in Kindergarten as it is in high school. Please make sure your student is in school every day, and schedule doctor's appointments with your student's school schedule in mind.
NFL Spirit Day
We are kicking off the NFL season with our first Spirit Day. Be sure to wear your favorite NFL gear! As a reminder, hats may not be worn inside the building.
Grandparents Breakfast
Join us for our Grandparents Breakfast on Friday, September 8th. We will be serving pancakes, eggs, fruit, and juice for $1.75 per person (please bring exact change). Doors open at 7:15 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
Knights at Daybreak is Back!
Knights at Daybreak is held in the library daily for students to check out library books, get help with homework, or participate in specialized subjects (see schedule below).
Doors open at 7:15 a.m.
This 21st Century Community Learning Club Program runs from September 5th to May 10th
Monday - Art & Puzzles
Tuesday - Engineering Building
Wednesday - Robotics
Thursday - Engineering Building
Friday - Games
Baseball & Softball
Our Baseball and Softball teams kicked off their seasons this week! Check out the photos from Boys Baseball against Thompson Ranch.
Check out the full season schedules below and show your support for our Knights this season!
September 4th
Kingswood Elementary School will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.
PTSA Panera Fundraising
Help Kingswood PTSA raise some "Dough" at our Panera Fundraiser on August 31st from 4:00 - 8:00 pm.
Please show digital flyer or use code FUND4U in the online checkout Paneara app, or in-cafe kiosk.
Welcome Officer Karner
Kingswood has received a school safety grant that provides for a full-time School Resource officer on our campus. Welcome Officer Karner to Kingswood. Officer Karner has an extensive background in law enforcement. He has been a police officer for over 22 years. During that time he served in many roles including, as a School Resource Officer, and a detective. He recently retired from the El Mirage police department and was hired by the Surprise police department to work as an SRO.
The School Safety Program (SSP) was established by ARS 15-154 in 1994 for the purpose of placing School Resource Officers (SRO) on school grounds to contribute to safe school environments that are conducive to teaching and learning. Through comprehensive prevention and intervention approaches, School Safety Program-funded officers maintain a visible presence on campus; deter delinquent and violent behaviors; serve as an available resource to the school community; and provide students and staff with Law-Related Education (LRE) instruction and training.
Officers develop positive interactive relationships with the students, the staff, and the community that they serve. This proactive, prevention-based program is cultivated through collaborative working partnerships between officers, school administration, teachers, and police and juvenile probation departments. There will be opportunities in the future for you to get to know Officer Karner. We are excited to welcome him to the Kingswood family.
The PTSA is a Team That Starts With You!
At Kingswood, the PTSA plays a role in facilitating the quality education of our students. The PTSA raises over $10,000 annually to provide the support the school needs for enrichment, incentives, and academic opportunities. This includes mini-grants to help pay for field trips and special events.
Meet the 2023/2024 Kingswood PTSA Board:
Ali Alvidrez - President
Allen Little - Vice President
Chantelle Little - Treasurer
Bryan Hoskin - Secretary
Last year, Kingswood PTSA supported several things:
Family Bingo Night
Ice Cream Social
Book Fair
Holiday Shoppe
Goosebump Goodies
Sports Banquet
Penny Wars
8th Grade Promotion Shirts
and much more!
The PTSA needs the support of our Kingswood families to continue providing these opportunities for our students. Our goal this year is to have 100 members!
Faculty/Staff Membership $8.00
Family Membership $25.00
Family Bingo & Curriculum Night
Join us on August 29th for our Family Bingo Night hosted by our PTSA. This fun event will take place after our Curriculum Night.
Bingo Night is FREE to attend and will consist of 5 games. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Curriculum Night - 2 Sessions
Session 1 - 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm
Session 2 - 5:45 - 6:30 pm
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Thank you PTSA for hosting Bingo Night!
If you are interested in joining PTSA please click here.
Site Council
The Kingswood Elementary School Site Council is a semi-autonomous body consisting of parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders. As mandated by the Dysart Unified School District, the purpose of the Site Council is to manage the collection and distribution of public tax expenditure funds donated to the campus.
First Meeting: August 23, 2023, from 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month
For more information please click here.
Keeping our Students Safe in the Heat
The Arizona climate provides spectacular benefits as well as challenges with the extreme heat that can be faced in the summer months. Challenges due to heat-related situations can result in heat-related sickness and injury. To ensure that our students and staff are provided a continued safe environment for outdoor activities, we have an automated system that will monitor the heat index each school day and provide information to schools at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM regarding any restrictions that may occur due to the heat during extreme heat months. Schools receive a Heat Index Legend each day that is utilized to determine levels of outdoor activities for students. The legend indicates that the proportion of play to rest is as follows:
Heat Index Recommendation of Work to Rest
90 – 104 degrees 50% work / 50% rest
105 – 109 degrees 25% work / 75% rest
110 + degrees All students participate in indoor activities only
Please note that the rest can include time out of the heat and under-shade structures. Acclimation to heat is the first defense for heat illness. Students living in the Arizona climate experience the heat on a continual basis and can improve their ability to exercise, play, or work in the heat through acclimation. Drinking adequate amounts of fluid and utilizing caution during periods of extreme heat provides an environment in which all can be safe in the Arizona climate.
4th Quarter Honors Assembly
It was great recognizing our students' academic achievements with their teachers and families in our 4th Quarter Honors Assembly. Principal Timbrooks also shared with them the importance of the assessments they take each year to show their academic growth. Great job Leveling Up Knights!
Kingswood's Mission is to create a collaborative community of learners achieving at the highest level.
Vision: Succeeding every day... every KNIGHT!
Coffee with the Principal
Join us on Friday, August 18th from 8:15 - 9:00 a.m. in the Library for our Coffee with the Principal. Principal Timbrooks will review school-wide achievement data, Kingswoods Continous Improvement Plan, and the parent engagement plan.
Kingswoods Mission is to create a collaborative community of learners achieving at the highest level.
Vision: Succeeding every day... every KNIGHT!
Move On When Reading Information
Each year the Dysart School District and Kingswood Elementary School provide important information pertaining to Move on When Reading. This letter is posted below and will be sent home with all students in Kindergarten through Third Grade. Teachers will continue to communicate and share information with families regarding Move on When Reading.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Dysart Unified School District will be participating in the National School Lunch Program. As part of this program, Dysart Schools will offer healthy meals every school day. Breakfast will cost $1.25; Elementary/Middle lunch will cost $2.60 and High School lunch $2.85. Your child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Reduced-price meals for breakfast and lunch cost is $0.00 for the 2023-2024 school year.
To apply for free or reduced-price meals we highly recommend using SchoolCafe at Paper applications are available in each school office and can be returned to the school once completed unless the household has already received notification that their children are approved for free meals this year. Applications include a letter informing households of the availability of free and reduced-price meals for their children and what is required to complete on the application.
Only one application is required for all children in the household and the information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and verification of data. Applications may be verified at any time during the school year by the school or other program officials. An application for free or reduced-price benefits cannot be approved unless it contains complete eligibility information as indicated on the application and instructions. In the operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability.
Families can apply for benefits at any time. If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size increases, the household should contact the school. Such changes may make the children of the household eligible for benefits if the household's income falls at or below the Federal Guidelines. Contact Claudia Zamora at any time to request an application.
Under the provisions of the free and reduced-price policy, Nutrition Liaison will review applications and determine eligibility. Parents or guardians dissatisfied with the ruling of the official may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. Parents wishing to make a formal appeal for a hearing on the decision may make a request either orally or in writing to: Dr. Stephen Poling, 13825 W Desert Cove Rd., Surprise, AZ 85379.
When known to Dysart District households will be notified of their children’s eligibility for free meals if they are members of households receiving assistance from the:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR); or
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), if the State program meets Federal standards.
An application is not required for free meal benefits for Assistance Program participants and all of the children in the household are eligible for free meal benefits. If any children were not listed on the notice of eligibility, or if a household does not receive a notice of eligibility, the household should contact the school to have free meal benefits extended to them. Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals, but they will need to turn in an application including household size and total income.
When known to Dysart Unified households will also be notified of any child’s eligibility for free meals if the individual child is considered “Other Source Categorically Eligible”, because the child is categorized, as defined by law as: Foster Homeless Migrant Runaway Enrolled in an eligible Head Start, or Enrolled an eligible pre-kindergarten class. If any children were not listed on the notice of eligibility, the household should contact the school about their eligibility through the list above, or should submit an income application.
Households notified of their children’s eligibility must contact the school if the household chooses to decline the free meal benefits.
For more information, you may call the Nutrition Department at 623-876-7075 or e-mail at
Annual Student Update
Each year we ask parents to confirm or update their contact information, address, student health and emergency contact information and preferences to ensure that we can communicate with families regarding their student, or in the case of an emergency. Parents are asked to complete the Annual Student Update in the Parent Portal by September 1. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.
Tryouts - Baseball and Softball
Kingswood will be holding Baseball and Softball Tryouts for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students on Thursday, August 10th at 7 am.
Go Knights!
Mondays - Early Release at 1:00 pm
Just a reminder that every Monday Kingswood Elementary School dismisses students at 1:00 pm.
Welcome Back Kingswood Staff
We welcomed our Kingswood staff back to campus earlier this week as we prepared for the return of our students. First day of school is August 3rd.
First Day of School
The first day of school is August 3, 2023. We can't wait to see all of our Knights back on campus!
Annual Update
It's that time of year. As students are getting ready to head back to school, we ask that our Kingswood families please take a moment to complete the Annual Update.
You can access the Annual Update by logging into your Parent Portal and then clicking "Annual Update" located on the left side of the screen. If you need help with this, please call our office at 623-876-7600.
Kinder Experience
We would like to invite incoming Kindergarten students to our Kindergarten Experience. This program will take place Monday, July 17th through Thursday, July 20th. The program will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m. Please provide a snack and a water bottle for your child. Stop by our office prior to July 13th to fill out our enrollment form, so that your child may participate in this amazing opportunity. Enrollment will not be accepted after July 13th.
City Council Recognizes Kingswood Athletic Teams
On June 20th the City Council recognized Kingswood Boys and Girls Basketball teams and Girls Volleyball team for winning their district championship games during the 2022-23 School Year.
Back to School Supply List
Teachers have worked together as a grade level to determine the supplies needed throughout the school year. These supplies are a great start for getting ready for next year. Some teachers may request additional items specific to their classroom assignments and projects.
Important Back to School Information
Monday, July 10th - Our office reopens to the public for all 2023-2024 School Year needs.
Tuesday, August 1st - Meet the Teacher Night from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Thursday, August 3rd - First Day of School! Doors open at 7:55 am
Summer Learning Office Hours
Our office will be open during our Summer Learning Program. Services are limited to Summer Learning needs only.
June 5th - June 29th
7:15 - 12:00 pm
The office will be CLOSED from June 30th to July 7th.
The office will open on July 10th to service all needs for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Summer Break
The last day of school is May 24th. We hope that our Kingswood families enjoy their Summer Break.
School will resume on August 3rd.
Kinder Experience Registration Now Open!
Help your Kindergarten student have a smooth transition by attending our Kinder Experience from July 17-20th from 8 am to 11 am. Your child will explore reading and math instruction while learning routines, procedures, and expectations needed for making friends and having a successful school experience. This will help with their transition into school and ease their anxiety as they begin a new school year. Register now through July!
Now Enrolling for the 2023-2024 School Year
As a convenience, parents/guardians can complete most of the enrollment process online. In order to finalize enrollment the following documents will be required by our office: a government-issued photo identification; birth certificate; proof of residency; and immunization records.
Please note that currently enrolled Dysart 8th grade students do NOT need to complete student enrollment for high school, but will need to make Open Enrollment choices if they do not want to attend their assigned boundary high school. Please refer to the boundary map to determine your child’s boundary school.
Meet the Teacher Night
Mark your calendar - Meet the Teacher Night is Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 5:00pm. This is a great opportunity for your child to meet their 2023-24 teacher and see their classroom.
Join Kingswood Team!
Looking for a great place to work that makes a difference. Join Kingswood Team. Click below and type "KGWS"
Dysart District Champions
Congratulations to our Boys and Girls Basketball Teams who won their Dysart District Championship games on Friday.
Kindergarten Promotion
Our Kindergarten students will be promoting on Friday, May 19th at 8:45 a.m. Families and friends are welcome to come and celebrate as students receive certificates and sing songs.
All visitors must check in at the office before entering campus.
Doors will close promptly at 8:45 a.m.
Siblings will not be allowed to be pulled out of class to attend.
Students leaving after the ceremony must be cleared at the office.
NO balloons.
Teacher of the Month - Mrs. Albin
Congratulations to 5th-grade teacher, Mrs. Albin for being Raymond E. Grim - American Family Insurance's Teacher of the Month.
Mr. Grim posted the following on his Facebook page :
This month's winner for #TeacherOfTheMonth is Judy Albin from Kingswood Elementary School. Part of her nomination email read this, "Mrs. Albin is a first-year teacher but teaches as though she is a veteran. She knows what it takes to get her students involved in what they are learning. The students are excited each day to come to class because she teaches in a creative way. In the afternoon, she continues to teach 2 days a week, during our after-school program, a gardening class that is the heaviest attended. Mrs. Albin spent countless hours and her own personal resources to build a school garden, that the kids help with each week. This garden has produced an abundant amount of vegetables, which she has gone the extra step each week to make into veggie dips or air-fry for not only her students to try but shares with staff to enjoy as well." Thank you Mrs. Albin for being a great teacher and loving the kids in our community. I want to thank Montse Terepocki - Financial Advisor and Lisa Fowler - AZ Real Estate for partnering with us to make this happen. For winning this award, her class got a pizza party with pizza from Barro's Pizza, a gift card from Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, and a gift card from to buy supplies for her class."
Congratulations Mrs. Albin! # LevelUp
Achieve3000 Celebration
Congratulations to our 5th-grade students for making the highest literacy gains in Achieve3000 across the entire District for the month of April. Achieve3000 provides targeted instruction to every student at their level and pushes them to become better readers in all content areas. Your hard work and dedication has paid off! Time to celebrate with cookies!
Dysart District Cheer & Pom Competition
Please come out and support our amazing Cheer and Pom Squads as they participate in the Dysart District Cheer and Pom Competition!
This event is hosted by Valley Vista Spiritline
May 13, 2023
Valley Vista High School
15550 N. Parkview Place, Surprise, AZ 85374
Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the first performance.
Spectactor Entry Free
$10 per person (cash only)
3 years and under are FREE
Concessions will be sold at the venue
Food and drinks (other than water) will not be allowed in the gym/performance areas
Gym doors will be closed during each routine and will not open until the routine is complete
Sports Awards Night
Kingswood will be recognizing our student-athletes on Monday, May 15th from 5:00-6:30 pm for our end-of-year Sports Awards Night. Dinner will be provided by our amazing PTSA. Invitations will be sent home with students containing additional information.
This event is for student-athletes and their family only.
8th Grade Promotion and End of Year Activities
We are excited about the upcoming 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on Wednesday, May 24th. Please take a moment to review this important information. This year we will be having our ceremony here at Kingswood. Unfortunately, that also limits our space. We know this limited space is not ideal, so the ceremony will be recorded and emailed out after the ceremony. That being said, all 8th grade students will be given 4 wristbands that will act as an entry ticket. No extra wristbands will be given to students, but families in our community may share them informally as needed amongst themselves. Wristbands will be given to students on Monday, May 22, 2023 prior to the ceremony and will not be replaced if lost. Students will be practicing for the ceremony on Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23. It is very important that students attend school on these days.
The Dysart District is always dedicated to the highest academic standards. As such, it is important that students participating in 8th grade promotion are passing their classes. If a student is receiving an “F” in any class (including special area classes) at the time of promotion, they will not be able to participate in their school promotion ceremony and possibly other end-of-the-year activities. Parents are able to see their child’s grades via the Parent Portal. Please know that we want all students to succeed and our teachers are dedicated to working with your child. If your child has an “F” in any class, your child’s teacher will be contacting you to develop a plan of action to ensure your student will qualify to participate in the 8th grade promotion ceremony. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the following teachers:
Science - Mr. Bryant,
Social Studies - Dr. Dyb,
ELA - Mrs. Payne,
Math - Mrs. Green,
Here is some additional information about the following:
- Parking is limited. We have permission to use the parking lot behind Kingswood Place.
- We ask that you not park under any of their covered spots or visitor spaces at the entry of Kingswood Place.
- Carpool if possible
- Siblings are required to wear a wristband to attend.
- Due to time constraints, we are unable to pull siblings from class to attend the ceremony. If you plan on having a sibling attend the ceremony, they must have a wristband and must arrive with you to Kingswood.
- Babies on laps do not require a wristband. Space is limited so no strollers will be allowed inside the gym.
- Dress code is enforced according to Parent/Student Handbook
- No balloons or noise makers
Schedule of Events
Doors open at 8:30 am
Doors close promptly at 8:45 am
Ceremony begins at 8:45
Mix and Mingle in Cafeteria…this is to receive certificates, take pictures, and sign-out students for the remainder for the day.
- Parents/Guardians are able to sign-out their 8th grader in the cafeteria after picking up their certificates.
- ID is required if you are planning to sign out your child.
- Siblings not attending the ceremony will be dismissed at 11:00.
- Parents are required to be out of the building by 10:30 due to early dismissal.
- Early dismissal on the last day of school is at 11:00 a.m.
Academic Requirement
The Dysart District is always dedicated to the highest academic standards. As such, it is important that students participating in 8th grade promotion are passing their classes. If a student is receiving an “F” in any class at the time of promotion, they will not be able to participate in their school promotion ceremony, and possibly other end-of-the-year activities.
8th Grade Promotion Activities
Our 8th graders will have the opportunity to participate in several grade level activities prior to our culminating celebration of Promotion.
Picnic in the Park
- Friday, May 19th
- Walking Field Trip
- Permission Slip Required
- Yearbook signing…yearbooks will need to be purchased prior to the event
- Lunch is provided
8th Grade Promotion Dinner and Dance
- Friday, May 19th
- Permission Slip Required
- 6:00-8:30 PM
- Provided by PTSA
- Dinner: Taco Truck
- Entertainment: DJ E
- Students will not be permitted to leave without a parent/guardian signing them out
Promotion Ceremony
- Wednesday, May 24th
Congratulations to our Knights
Congratulations to the Kingswood Elementary School Girls Volleyball team who was recognized at the April Governing Board meeting recently, for winning their respective championships this middle-level season!
Spring Concert
Please join us for our bands Spring Concert on May 16th at 6 pm at Valley Vista High School. This will be the final concert of the year.
Teacher Appreciation
We are so lucky to have such amazing teachers at Kingswood! Please take a moment to thank and appreciate your child's teacher by simply writing an email, handwritten card, or phone call.

Field Day
Kingswood will be hosting Field Day for Kindergarten to 7th Grade.
Kindergarten to 5th grade will be held on Friday, May 12.
- K-2 will be from 9:00-11:00
- 3rd-5th will be from 12:00-2:00.
6th to 7th grade will be held on Friday, May 19th from 9:30-10:50 am.
There will be ten fun and thrilling activities students will rotate through. Five stations will include an element of water, so YES your child will be getting very wet.
We ask that each student please bring a large water bottle, sunscreen, and a towel. Since your child will be getting wet you may want to send them to school with a change of clothes and a plastic bag to take home their wet clothes in. We also ask to send students to school in a pair of comfortable shoes and NOT flip-flops. They will be participating in running and kicking events and we want to keep them safe.
Parents are encouraged to attend by checking in with the front office.
Spirit Week
- Marvel Monday (May 1st) - Wear your Marvel Gear!
- Throwback Tuesday (May 2nd) - Wear clothing from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, or 2000's!
- Whisk Away Wednesday (May 3rd) - Wear Hawaiian Clothing!
- May the 4th Be With You (May 4th) - Wear your Star Wars Gear!
- Fiesta Friday (May 5th) - Celebrate Cinco De Mayo by wearing bright colored clothing!
Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
April is the month of the Military Child. Kingswood celebrated our Military Children and their Servicemembers today, April 21st, at a special luncheon, hosted by our PTSA. Their dedication and service to our country are invaluable to the freedom of America. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Family Science Night & Ice Cream Social
Join us on Friday, April 28th from 5-7 pm in the cafeteria for our Family Science Night hosted by our 21st Century Community Learning Center and Ice Cream Social hosted by our PTSA.
Volunteer Appreciation Week April 17th - 21st
This week is School Volunteer Week, where we recognize and thank the amazing volunteers who selflessly give their time to support our students and schools every day. Thank you for all that you do!
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Please contact Community Education at 623-876-7056.
Congratulations to our Knights!
Kingswood held its 3rd Quarter Honors Assembly to recognize our Honor Roll, Principals List, and Knights Code students for a job well done. We want to thank the parents who attended. Great Job Knights!
Please visit our social media to see pictures from the assembly @KGWESKnights
National Assistant Principal's Week
April 3rd to 7th was National Assistant Principal's Week. Our Knights filled the halls to celebrate Mr. Gilbert for doing amazing work here at Kingswood. Thank you for all that you do for us!

Month of the Military Child
April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, emphasizing the important role military children play in the armed forces. Kingswood will observe Arizona Goes Purple on Friday, April 21st, and encourage all students to wear purple that day. In addition, our PTSA will graciously provide purple wristbands for all students to wear that day to show their support.
AASA State Testing Schedule
AASA State Testing will take place over the course of 3 weeks in April. Here are some important reminders to help your student(s) be successful.
- Testing will begin promptly at 8:30 am, so please have your students arrive at school on time.
- Students are not allowed to be checked out of school early once they begin their AASA. They MUST finish the unit assessment before they are allowed to leave campus.
- Please send headphones, that can plug into a computer, with your students. Bluetooth headphones are not permitted.
- Make sure students get a good night's rest and have a healthy breakfast.
To view the testing schedule please click here.
Spring Holiday - No School
Kingswood Elementary School will be closed on Friday, April 7th for Spring Holiday. School resumes on Monday, April 10th at 8 a.m.
3rd Quarter Honors Assembly
Honors Assembly We will be celebrating our 3rd Quarter Honor Roll, Principals List, and Knights Code on April 13th. A special invitation for families to attend will be sent home with students who will receive an award. Congratulations!
6th Grade -12:20-12:50 pm
5th Grade - 1:00-1:30 pm
4th Grade -1:40-2:10 pm
7th & 8th Grade - 2:15-2:45 pm
Season 4 Sports
Our season 4 sports are underway. Basketball for boys and girls and our cheer squad have been working hard to get ready for games starting in April. The season will take place from April 3rd to May 5th. Playoffs will be held May 8th - 12th.
If you would like to come out to support our teams please check out their schedules below.
College 101 Night for Parents
DYSART SCHOOLS - The Dysart Unified School District will host a College 101 Parent Night for parents interested in learning about the college acceptance and financial aid process on Friday, March 31, 2023 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Valley Vista High School, located at 15550 N. Parkview Place in Surprise, Arizona.
"Dysart has a strong focus on preparing our students for college and career success,” said Superintendent Dr. Jim Dean. “We’re excited to offer College 101 Night as a way for our families to learn more about how to prepare for college.”
The event will begin at 5:30 pm with college booths available to browse. Two informational sessions will be held at 6:30 pm and again at 7:00 pm where parents can choose to hear about a variety of topics. Participating parents will have the opportunity to learn about FAFSA, dual enrollment, athletics in college, honors colleges, military academies, saving for college, financial planning, and much more. Over thirty-five colleges will be in attendance along with military representatives to meet with parents and answer questions. Food trucks will also be on site during the event.
Yearbook Sale
March 31st is the final day to order your student(s) 2022-23 Yearbook. Click below to purchase yours today!
Kids Heart Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school starting March 27th! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping others, and having fun. Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Visit our school page by clicking the button below or download the Kids Heart Challenge app!
2022-23 Volleyball District Champions
Congratulations to our Volleyball Team for winning their Championship Game on Thursday, March 9th. They worked hard and did a great job! #LevelUp
Congratulations Knights
Kingswood participated in the Diamond Backs Attendance Matters Rewards Program in the month of February. Students with perfect attendance that month were recognized and given a certificate redeemable for a FREE ticket to a DBacks baseball game from April to July. Congratulations Knights!

Congratulations Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Rust
Each year, the Dysart Hero Awards are presented to certified and classified staff, administrative employees, and district volunteers who have positively contributed to the Dysart Unified School District. This year we would like to congratulate Shelley Franklin, Student Support Tech, and Krista Rust, School Data Improvement Specialist, for receiving Hero Awards on behalf of Kingswood. A special ceremony will be held on April 20th at The Vista Center for the Arts to recognize our recipients, as well as other district recipients.

Season 4 Tryouts
Season 4 Tryouts will be held the week of March 6th.
Girls Basketball
Thursday, March 9th and Friday, March 10th
3:30-4:30 pm
Boys Basketball
Cheer for Basketball
Tuesday, March 7th to Friday, March 10th
3:30-4:30 pm
Students must have a parent permission slip in order to tryout. Permission slips can be picked up in the front office before and after school and during lunch.
Students who have played a sport or participated in tryouts previously, this school year, DO NOT need a new permission slip.
Welcome Future Kinders!
Dysart Schools will host Kindergarten Showcase events on Tuesday, March 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. so that families can learn more about the free, full-day program. The Showcase is a great opportunity for parents of future Kindergartners to tour the school, meet the teachers, and register your child. Information on before and after school programs available through Dysart's Community Education Department will be available as well.
Dysart schools are among the top-rated in the state of Arizona and provide a FREE, FULL-DAY Kindergarten program in a safe, caring environment. The Dysart kindergarten program follows Arizona state standards, and offers hands-on, real-life activities in the areas of Cognitive, Social, and Physical development. Parents can learn more about Dysart School’s Kindergarten program at
Dysart schools offering full-day kindergarten include Asante Preparatory Academy, Canyon Ridge, Countryside, El Mirage, Freedom Traditional Academy, Kingswood, Luke, Marley Park, Mountain View, Rancho Gabriela, Riverview, Sunset Hills, Surprise Elementary, Thompson Ranch, West Point, and Western Peaks.
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open for Dysart Schools. Parents may register their child online at or visit their local school. In order to register for school, parents must provide a birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency. To determine the school boundary for your residence, please visit Open enrollment is available for parents who would like their child to attend a school other than their home school. Information on Open Enrollment is available at
Dysart Festival of the Arts
The Dysart Festival of the Arts will take place at Valley Vista High School on Saturday, March 25th, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. There will be back-to-back performances on eight stages, including band, choir, dance, and theatre troops! There will also be over 60 art vendors, food trucks, and community partners!
Spring Break
There will be no school from March 13th - 17th for Spring Break. School will resume on Monday, March 20th.
Family Reading Event
"Children are made on the laps of their parents" - Emilie Buchwald
Join us for our Family Reading Event, hosted by our 21st Century Community Learning Club (21st CCLC) and PTSA, on Tuesday, February 28th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm in the Kingswood Library. This fun family event will be a night of reading and learning how families can check out books to bring home. Books will be provided by our 21st CCLC and cookies and hot chocolate will be provided by PTSA.
Be sure to stick around for our PTSA meeting which will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. New PTSA Memberships, $8 individually or $25 for a family for a year, will receive a FREE book to take home (1 per new membership).
No RSVP needed, just show up!
Read Across America Spirit Week - Dr. Seuss Style!
Green Eggs & Ham. Wear Green!
Oh! The Places You’ll Go! Wear a College/University shirt or dress like your future career.
March 1st - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Wacky Wednesday Get WACKY! Wear your clothes backward, inside out, or mismatched.
March 2nd
Fox in Socks! Wear crazy socks!
March 3rd
On Beyond Zebra! Wear black and white or even Zebra stripes!
Kids Heart Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school starting February 27th! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping others, and having fun. Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Visit our school page by clicking the button below or download the Kids Heart Challenge app!
Spring Pictures & Class Pictures
Grads Photography will be taking Spring Pictures and Class Pictures on Friday, February 17th so please be sure to send your student(s) looking their best!
Presidents Day - No School
Kingswood Elementary School will be closed on February 20th in observance of Presidents Day. School resumes on February 21st.
Congratulations Mr. Bryant
Congratulations to Mr. Bryant, our 7th & 8th-grade Science teacher, who was presented with a Discovery Education Award by Toni Robinson, Statewide & Strategic Partnerships Manager, for the use of the Daily Learning Platform for 132 days consecutively.
Valentine's Day Grams for Sale!
Student Council is selling Valentine's Day Grams for $2 at soft start from February 6th to 10th. There is a limited supply so place your order today! Grams will be delivered on February 14th.
Parent Teacher Conferences
We are excited to invite families to campus for Parent Teacher Conferences the week of February 6th. Please be on the lookout for your child's teacher(s) about conference schedules and meetings.
Important information for this week:
- Students will be dismissed early at 1:00 pm on Monday 2/6, Thursday 2/9, and Friday 2/10 to accommodate conference schedules.
- There will be NO Preschool Classes on Thursday 2/9, and Friday 2/10.
- There will be NO 21st Century Afterschool Clubs Monday 2/6 through Friday 2/10.
- Knights at Daybreak (Open Library) will be open.
Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, we will dismiss students early on Monday 2/6, Thursday 2/9, and Friday 2/10 at 1:00 pm.
As a reminder, there will be NO 21st Century Afterschool Clubs Monday, February 6th through Friday, February 10th. Our Knights at Daybreak (Open Library) will be open this week.
Scholastic Book Fair is Back!
Our Scholastic Book Fair is back! Students will be able to shop during their special times from Tuesday, February 6th to Friday, February 10th.
Attendance Matters
Kingswood Elementary will be participating in The Arizona Diamondback "Attendance Matters" rewards program. Attendance All-Stars, those who have perfect attendance for the month of February, will earn a complimentary ticket to a variety of games from April to July! When you miss school you miss out!
Canned Food Drive
Student Council is sponsoring a canned food drive from January 23rd to February 3rd. The class with the most cans collected from B Wing (Kindergarten to 3rd Grade) and C Wing (4th Grade to 8th Grade) will win a hot chocolate and donut party!
100th Day of School
Kingswood students were so excited to celebrate the 100th day of school on Monday, January 23rd.

Stormy the Knight, our school mascot, greeted students this morning as they arrived at school, and stopped by some classrooms to say hi.

Students Ms. Barnett's ASPIRE class each brought 10 of something and counted by groups of 10 to show 100 days of school!

Mrs. Linzey's Kindergarten class showed their 100 day spirit by wearing their 100 days smarter shirts and hats.
Yearbooks on Sale!
Yearbooks are now on sale for $35! To purchase a yearbook for your child, simply click the link below.
Season 3 Sports
Our season 3 sports are underway. Flag football, girls' volleyball, and our cheer squad have been working hard to get ready for games at the end of the month. Our cross-country team continues to compete each Saturday and has had great success with bringing home individual medals.
If you would like to come out and support us, be sure to check out our schedules below.

Honors Assembly
We will be celebrating our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll, Principals List, and Knights Code on January 19th. A special invitation for families to attend will be sent home with students who will receive an award. Congratulations!
6th Grade -12:20-12:50 pm
5th Grade - 1:00-1:30 pm
4th Grade -1:40-2:10 pm
7th & 8th Grade - 2:15-2:45 pm
Parent Portal Annual Update
We have a large number of families that have not completed the Annual Update on the Parent Portal. Parents must complete the Annual Student Update (includes EIS agreements) by January 31st. Student accounts will be shut off on February 1st if not complete. This means no access to email, Schoology, etc. Without this update we cannot administer any medications, Vaseline, bug bite cream, or other over-the-counter medications. This is also important as we want to have up-to-date medical information and contact information on your student in the event of an emergency. You can complete the Annual Student Update by accessing the Parent Portal or through the parent portal app.
If you need assistance in setting up a Parent Portal account, please contact our Family Outreach Specialist, Mrs. Renee, at 623-876-7641.
Curriculum Available for Review
DYSART SCHOOLS - Members of Dysart Unified School District’s Textbook Adoption Committee will evaluate textbooks for grades 4-6 English Language Arts (ELA) and high school Advanced Placement (AP) Economics. The materials will be made available for review online and will be on display November 14, 2022 through January 13, 2023 at Freedom Traditional Academy, 16066 N Parkview Place Surprise, Arizona 85374. Parents and community members are invited to view the materials before and after school, from 7:15-8:00 AM and 3:00-3:45 PM. The last evening dates will be on January 10, 2023 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. To view the materials online, visit
All Dysart curriculum is aligned to state standards and current legislative mandates. To learn more about Dysart’s curriculum and adoption process visit, or contact the Dysart Schools Educational Services Department at 623-876-7173 for more information.
Welcome Back!
We are excited to have students back on campus starting Thursday, January 5, 2023.
2022-2023 Notable Dates
- August 3 - First Day for Students
- September 5 - Labor Day October 6-7 - K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences (½ days for K-8)
- October 10-14 - Fall Break
- November 11 - Veterans Day (Observed)
- November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Recess
- December 19-20 - High School/ Middle School Final Exams (½ days for high school/middle school)
- December 20 - Early Release (½ days K-8)
- December 21 - January 4 - Winter Break
- January 5 - School Resumes
- January 16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 9-10 - K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences (½ days for K-8)
- February 20 - Presidents Day
- March 13-17 - Spring Break April 7 - Spring Holiday
- May 22 - Graduation Day (½ day for HS)
- May 23-24 - High School/ Middle School Final Exams (½ days for high school/middle school)
- May 23 - Early Release (½ days K-8)
- May 24 - Last Day for Students (½ day for K-8)
Students are dismissed early every Monday to provide time for teacher professional development.
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
In observance of MLK Day Holiday, Kingswood Elementary School will be closed.
Season 3 Sports Tryouts
Tryouts for Flag Football, Volleyball, and Cheer for 6th to 8th-grade students will take place the week of January 9th.
All students must report to the gym immediately after school and bring a parent permission slip to try out. Athletic Packets can be picked up in the office before and after school.
There is a $60 registration fee for those who make the teams, which must be paid in order to receive a uniform.
Cheer will take place during Season 3 (flag football) and Season 4 (basketball), which will require 2 separate $60 fees for each season.
Flag Football - January 10, 11 & 12th from 3:15 - 4:30 pm (Team roster will be announced on January 13th)
Volleyball - January 10, 11 & 12th from 3:15 - 4:30 pm (Team roster will be announced on January 13th)
Cheer - January 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13th from 3:45 - 4:45 pm (Team roster will be announced on January 16th)
Tax Credit
Kingswood Elementary is currently seeking tax credit support for our school and programs. Arizona Law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows married couples filing jointly a tax credit of up to $400 and individual taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200 when they contribute to extra-curricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available to all who reside in Arizona and have a tax liability at least equal to that of their donation. You do not have to be a parent of a child in a Dysart school to benefit from this law. Corporations are not eligible. Contributions are donated directly to the schools. This means your donations are used directly to support student activities of the Dysart school of your choice. Donations may be submitted through April 15, 2023.
To claim the tax credit, taxpayers must contribute to an extra-curricular activity for which the school district requires a fee or funds to operate the program. Extra-curricular activities are optional, noncredit educational activities that are offered before, during or after school hours. Examples include enrichment activities, athletic and music programs, and after-school clubs. These programs depend on fees from students.
Special Visit
Some of our students had a special visit by Santa and the Ottawa University Spirit Squad.
No Preschool Classes on December 19th and December 20th
There will be no preschool classes on December 19th and 20th. Preschool classes will resume on January 5, 2023.
Winter Break
There will be NO school from December 21st to January 4, 2023, for Winter Break. School will resume on January 5, 2023.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday season!
Holiday Shop
Our Kids Korner Holiday Shopping Event will take place December 13-16th during school. Students will be able to shop for family and friends for the holidays. Most items range from $1 to $5.
Holiday Spirit Week
Holiday Spirit Week
Please join in the fun next week for our Holiday Spirit Week, which will take place December 12-16th.
Monday, 12/12: T'was the Night of Polar Express - Wear PJs
Tuesday, 12/13: Tinsel Toes Tuesday - Wear your Christmas or Crazy Socks
Wednesday, 12/14: Winter Hat Wednesday - Wear a Santa Hat or Beanie
Thursday, 12/15: Grinch Day Thursday - Wear Grinch Colors or Grinch Clothing (NO MASKS)
Friday, 12/16: Flannel Friday - Wear Your Favorite Flannel
Middle School Final Exams
December 19th and 20th are early release days, students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. On these two days, our 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students will be taking finals. If a student is absent for a final, they will receive a zero until they take the final within the first 2 weeks in January.
Polar Express
Monday, December 12th from 5:30-7:00 pm
15150 W. Mondell Rd. Surprise, AZ 85374
Please enter the bus loop on the west side of the school
Below is a list of stops you will make on the Kingswood Polar Express.
1. Admin - Happy Elves
2. ESS/Pre-school - Frosty
3. Kinder - Bells
4. 1st Grade - Gnomes
5. 2nd Grade - Snowman at Night
6. 3rd Grade - Reindeer Food
7. 4th Grade - Gingerbread Candy Lane
8. Support Staff - Night Before Christmas
9. 5th Grade - Stay Refreshed During the Holidays
10. 6th Grade - Grinch Who Stole Christmas
11. 7th Grade - Christmas Vacation
12. 8th Grade - Christmas Vacation
13. Interventionists - Holly Jolly & 21st CCLC After-School Program Goodie Stop
14. Academic Specialists - Golden Ticket
Be sure to wave HI to Santa on the final stop!
K-3 Holiday Music Performance for Parents
Join us as students sing a few holiday songs that they have learned in Choir Class. Please see the performance schedule below.
2nd Grade - 9:00 - 9:40 am
3rd Grade - 9:40 - 10:20 am
Kinder - 11:00 - 11:40 am
1st Grade - 1:00 - 1:40 am
Family Game Night
Families of Kingswood Elementary had a fun evening at our 21st Century Community Learning Centers Family Game Night. Student Council helped serve families pizza dinner, which was hosted by our PTSA. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a huge success. Thank you families for attending!
No School
School will be CLOSED during the Thanksgiving Recess which will take place November 21st to 25th.
We would like to wish our Kingswood families a Happy Thanksgiving!
Veterans Day Celebration
Kingswood created a special tribute to our Veterans on Thursday, November 10th to thank them for their service.
We want to thank our teachers' Coach Sehr, Mr. Millican, Mr. Borden, Mr. Bryant, and Mrs. Covington for their service. We would also like to thank the family members as well.
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.” Winston Churchill

Spelling Bee
We would like to thank all of our students who participated in our recent Spelling Bee, which went 15 rounds.
Congratulations to Jax who will represent Kingswood at the Dysart Unified School District District Spelling Bee.
Congratulations Charlotte for placing second, and Jimmy who came in third. Great Job Knights!
Cross Country
Do you have a student who likes to run?
Good news... It's time for Cross Country!
3rd-8th Grade students are welcome to join.
Practices are every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 starting on Tuesday, November 8th, and ending on Thursday, February 2nd. (No practice during school breaks.)
Please make sure you have a ride home after practices at 4:00 or have permission to walk home.
Parent Meeting on Tuesday, November 8th at 4:00 in the library.
Cross Country meets will be on Saturdays at Cimarron Springs. Families will need to provide transportation to and from the meets.
3rd / 4th grade races are - 1 mile
5th / 6th grade races are - 1.5 miles
7th / 8th grade races are - 2 miles
Students must pick up an athletic packet from the front office and return it to Mrs. Miles.
(If your student has participated in a sport, they can simply use the athletic form for that sport)
Soccer Season
Soccer season is underway. Our Kingswood athletes have been working hard for the past 2 weeks preparing for games.
The season will take place from October 31st to December 9th. Playoffs will be held December 12th - 16th. For a full list of games, please click here:
We would like to congratulate our Team Captians Raeleigh, Natalie, Braiden, and Jeremiah.

Congratulations Mrs. Richards
On Wednesday, October 26th, APS representatives surprised Mrs. Richards, a fourth-grade teacher, with a Supply My Class Teacher Award. APS awards Arizona Title 1 K-12 teachers $500 in order to purchase much-needed school supplies for their students.
Congratulations Mrs. Richards!
Career and College Expo
Dysart Unified School District invites parents and students to a Career and College Expo on Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Dysart District Office, located at 15802 N. Parkview Place in Surprise.
The expo showcases Dysart's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, West-MEC, colleges and universities, and military representatives so families can explore opportunities to pursue in and after high school. This is a great way for 5th through 11th grade students and their parents to get hands-on with all of the career pathway classes and programs offered at Dysart Schools. The event is free and open to the public. Details can be found at
Dysart Schools currently offer 17 CTE programs at four high schools (Dysart High School, Shadow Ridge High School, Valley Vista High School, and Willow Canyon High School.) Program options include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Digital Animation, Digital Photography, Education Professions, Engineering, Film and TV Production, Fire Science, Graphic Design, Laboratory Assisting, Law and Public Safety, Marketing, Nursing Services, Software and App Design, Sports Medicine, Stagecraft Design and Production and Technology Device Maintenance. Learn more at
State Senator David Livingston Visits Kingswood
We were fortunate to have State Senator David Livingston come to Kingswood to explain his role at the Capitol. We were joined by Dysart Governing Board Member Traci Sawyer-Sinkbiel and Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Ken Hicks. Senator Livingston spoke about his time in politics, how a bill becomes a law and other fascinating tidbits on Capitol life. Did you know that you place legislative bills in a frog called the “Hopper” or that DPS can escort legislators to the Capitol if they are needed for an important meeting? This and so much more on life in government was introduced to our junior high. We will hopefully continue learning more about the legislative process this spring as the junior high is planning on touring the Capitol.
1st Quarter Honors Assemblies
Kingswood Elementary celebrated our 4-8th grade students' academic achievements for the 1st Quarter in our recent Honors Assemblies. Students were presented by Admin with Honor Roll and the Principals List Awards, followed up by our Knights Code Awards presented by teachers for students who exhibit the characteristics of either being a Learner, Responsible, Respectful, or Safe. Family members, along with our mascot, Storm E. Knight, were there supporting students by cheering. Congratulations to our Knights. Keep up the good work!

Family Event
Join us for our Monster Mash & Goosebumps Goodies Family Event
Friday, October 28th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Come in Costume - NO Masks Please
The Goosebumps & Goodies is where students can Trick or Treat in the gym.
The Monster Mash is our fun family dance which will be held in the cafeteria.
All Students MUST be accompanied by an adult.
PTSA and Student Council are teaming up to collect bags of candy for the
Monster Mash and Goosebumps Goodies!!!
We will be collecting Goosebump Goodies (variety bags of candy) from 10/17 to10/28
The class with the most collected bags of candy will get a Pizza Party from PTSA.
Knights Code
Each day our students work hard to follow our Knights Code, which is to be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and to be a Learner. When these behaviors are exhibited, they are rewarded with a Shield. At the end of each week, these shields are collected for a small prize, and at the end of each month, there is an opportunity for some to win a big prize.
We are so proud of our students for Leveling Up and following our Knights Code. Keep up the good work!

Baseball and Softball
As our Baseball and Softball season comes to an end, we would like to congratulate our teams for working hard at practice and playing even harder at the games. You have done a great job of Leveling Up. Way to Go Knights!
A huge thank you to our coaches, Coach Sehr and Coach Millican!
Fall Break
Fall Break will take place October 10-17th. We hope that our Kingswood Families have a fun and relaxing break and we will see our Knights back at school on Monday, October 17th.
Red Ribbon Spirit Week
Please join in the fun this week by showing your Drug-Free Spirit during our Red Ribbon Spirit Week!
Red Ribbon Campaign is the largest drug-abuse prevention campaign in the United States and our students here at Kingswood are proud to be drug-free, which is why our Spirit Week will take place October 24-28th.
Monday, 10/24: Ready to be Drug-Free? Wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week!
Tuesday, 10/25: Team Up Against Drugs - Wear your favorite sports shirt or jersey
Wednesday, 10/26: I Hope to be Drug-Free - Show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness by wearing pink
Thursday, 10/27: Orange You Glad to be Drug Free? - Wear orange for Pumpkin Day
Friday, 10/28: Being Drug-Free is a Real Treat - Dress up as your favorite book character, NO MASKS!


Scholastic Book Fair is Here!
The Scholastic Book Fair is here!
Students can shop for books on Oct. 4 – 5 during specials time.
Families shop on Thursday, October 6th from 1:30 - 6:00 pm in the library.
Become a BOLDER, PROUDER, STRONGER Reader at the Scholastic Book Fair.
Scholastic will give back 25% in rewards to our school when you shop online during the Fair. You can shop over 6,000 products — and all orders ship direct to your home (with free shipping on book-only orders over $25*)!
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:

Soccer Tryouts
This Wednesday, October 5th at 3:30 pm we will hold boys and girls soccer tryouts out at the main field, near the playground.
It is mandatory that anyone interested in trying out bring a signed Parents Permission Slip with them. Students can pick these up at the front office.
If your student is currently playing a sport, please have them collect their permission slips from their coach and bring them with them to tryouts.
A parent meeting will be scheduled once the team roster has been announced.
Games will begin in November! Go Knights!
We're Having a Book Fair!
The Kingswood PTSA is bringing back the Scholastic Book Fair during the week of October 3-7th!
Shop for books the week of October 3 - 7th with your class.
Families can shop on Thursday, October 6th from 1:30 - 6:30 pm.
Online shopping can be done from October 3-16th
Become a BOULDER, PROUDER, STRONG Reader at the Scholastic Book Fair.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars for parent-teacher conferences which will be held the week of October 3rd. Please be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher to schedule a time for your conference. We look forward to seeing you there so that together we can work towards your child's academic success.
Please be advised that October 6th and October 7th are early dismissal days at 1:00 pm due to the conferences.
Arts In Education Week
The week of September 12th, Dysart Unified celebrated Arts in Education Week, which is one of the vital parts of our student's educational experience. Here at Kingswood, we have a variety of classes for our students such as band, choirs, and visual art.

Let us introduce you to our Knight
For years, our Knight was nameless, so we asked our students to help us give him a name. Students first nominated a name, which was then narrowed down to a few for students to vote on.
On Friday, September 16th we held Student Assemblies to reveal our Knights name. We were joined by District 3 Councilmember Patrick Duffy, who lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. We introduced our Student Council, who read a Constitutional Poem, and then the main attraction appeared and his name was revealed.
Drum Roll Please.... We would like to introduce you to Storm E. Knight.

Grandparents Breakfast
Our Kingswood Grandparents had a wonderful morning with their Knights during a special Grandparents Breakfast. Please check out the fun we had by clicking the button below. Happy Grandparents Day!
Are You Ready For Some Football?
Our Knights were so excited to wear their favorite NFL gear to kick off the football season! Check out our social media to see more photos.

2022-2023 Move On When Reading Information Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
Each year the Dysart School District and Kingswood Elementary provide important information pertaining to Move on When Reading. This letter is posted below and will be sent home with all students in Kindergarten through Third Grade.
Grandparents Breakfast
Join us on Friday, September 9th for our Grandparents Breakfast from 7:30 to 8:00 am in the Cafeteria. We will be serving up scrabbled eggs, turkey sausage, and toast. The cost is $2.60 per person (please bring exact change). We look forward to seeing you there!
Emergency Operation Procedures
Maintaining a safe learning environment is one of Dysart's highest priorities. Our schools and district plan and practice various responses to emergency situations through regularly-scheduled practice drills. This letter will inform you of some of the procedures we will follow to protect our students during an emergency.
What happens during an emergency?
School administrators, along with support from district office and city/county agencies, will evaluate the incident and initiate the appropriate response to either evacuate outside or away from buildings, or secure the campus in lockdown, modified lockdown, or shelter in place. School personnel work closely with public safety officials during emergencies.
Students may be kept on campus.
In the event of a hazard or other immediate danger to health and safety outside of the school, public safety officials may direct the school to keep students on campus, even after school hours, until it is safe enough for the all-clear signal to be given.
• If such an emergency occurs, the school will begin a controlled release, dismissal or reunification process, in which students will be released only to an adult who has been identified as a parent, guardian or emergency contact.
• The school district is prepared to provide food, water and the medications listed on your child's Medication Administration Release form to your child if we are directed to hold students on campus.
Students may be relocated off campus.
An emergency situation may require students to be evacuated to a location different from their home school. Our district high schools will serve as relocation sites for all K-8 schools. Updated information sent by telephone auto dialer, email and text messaging will apprise parents of the reunification site details.
What to do if your child is kept on campus during an emergency:
1.To keep phone lines free for emergency use, PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. We understand and respect your concern for your child, yet it is essential that the telephone system be available for emergency communications. Additionally, if our school is in lockdown, staff members will NOT be available to answer the phone as they will be working to protect your children from any threats. During an emergency situation, the district will keep parents informed and updated via phone, email, and/or text messages, depending on your selected preferences in the Parent Portal.
2. Do not come to the school unless instructed to do so. We realize how difficult it will be for you to keep your distance from the school, but this will be crucial to keep the surrounding streets and parking lot clear for emergency vehicles.
3. If you speak with or text your child on a cell phone, please remind them of the importance of following the directions of their teachers and public safety officials. We are proud that Dysart is a safe environment, and we are doing everything possible to keep it that way. We appreciate your cooperation and support.
We appreciate your cooperation and support.
Mantener un entorno de aprendizaje seguro es una de las máximas prioridades del Distrito Dysart. Nuestras escuelas y el Distrito planifican y practican diversas respuestas a situaciones de emergencia a través de simulacros de práctica programados regularmente. Esta carta tiene el propósito de informarles a ustedes sobre algunos de los procedimientos que seguiremos a fin de proteger a nuestros estudiantes durante una emergencia.
¿Qué sucede durante una emergencia?
Los administradores escolares, junto con el apoyo de la Oficina del Distrito y las agencias del Gobierno Municipal/Condado, evaluarán el incidente e iniciarán la respuesta apropiada para evacuar hacia el exterior ó lejos de los edificios escolares, ó asegurar el plantel escolar con un procedimiento denominado "lockdown" (cierre del plantel escolar por motivos de seguridad ó con otro procedimiento denominado "modified lockdown" (versión modificada para el cierre del plantel escolar) y otro procedimiento denominado "shelter in place" (refugio dentro del plantel escolar). El personal escolar trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los oficiales de seguridad pública durante las emergencias.
Los estudiantes pueden permanecer en el plantel escolar.
En caso de que se presente un riesgo u otro peligro inmediato para la salud y la seguridad fuera de la escuela, los oficiales de seguridad pública pueden dar instrucciones al personal escolar para mantener a los estudiantes en el plantel escolar, incluso después del horario de clases, hasta que sea lo suficientemente seguro como para que se dé la señal de que la alerta ha terminado.
• Si ocurre una emergencia de este tipo, el personal escolar comenzará un proceso de salida o de reunificación controlada, en el que a los estudiantes se les permitirá salir solamente si son acompañados de un adulto que haya sido identificado(a) como uno de sus padres, tutor ó contacto en caso de emergencia.
• El Distrito Escolar está preparado para proveer alimentos, agua y los medicamentos enumerados en el formulario de Autorización para la Administración de Medicamentos de su hijo(a) si se nos indica que debemos retener a los estudiantes en el plantel escolar.
Las estudiantes pueden ser reubicados fuera del plantel escolar.
Una situación de emergencia puede requerir que los estudiantes sean evacuados a una ubicación diferente de su escuela de base. Las escuelas preparatorias de nuestro Distrito servirán como lugares de reubicación para todas las escuelas del Kínder-8vo grado. La información actualizada que se envía a través del sistema "telephone auto dialer" (sistema de marcación automatizada de llamadas telefónicas), correo electrónico y mensajes de texto notificará a los padres de familia sobre los detalles del lugar de la reunificación.
Qué hacer si su hijo(a) permanece en el plantel escolar durante una emergencia:
1. Para mantener las líneas telefónicas libres para su uso durante una emergencia, POR FAVOR NO LLAMEN POR TELÉFONO A LA ESCUELA. Nosotros entendemos y respetamos la preocupación de ustedes por su hijo(a), sin embargo es esencial que el sistema telefónico esté disponible para las comunicaciones durante una emergencia. Además, si nuestra escuela está bajo el procedimiento "lockdown", los miembros del personal NO estarán disponibles para contestar el teléfono, ya que estarán trabajando para proteger a sus hijos de cualquier amenaza. Durante una situación de emergencia, el Distrito mantendrá a los padres de familia informados y actualizados por vía telefónica, correo electrónico y/ó mensajes de texto, según sus preferencias seleccionadas en el Portal de los Padres de Familia (Parent Portal).
2. Por favor les pedimos que no acudan a la escuela a menos que se les indique. Nosotros comprendemos lo difícil que será para ustedes mantenerse a distancia de la escuela, sin embargo esto será crucial para mantener las calles y el estacionamiento de los alrededores despejados para los vehículos de emergencia.
3. Si ustedes hablan su hijo(a) ó le envían mensajes de texto a través de un teléfono celular, por favor recuérdenle la importancia de seguir las indicaciones de sus maestros y los oficiales de seguridad pública. Estamos muy orgullosos de tener un entorno seguro en Dysart y además estamos haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerlo de esa manera.
Agradecemos su cooperación y apoyo.
Complete the Annual Student Update
We have a large number of families that have not completed the Annual Update on the Parent Portal. Without this update we cannot administer any medications, Vaseline, bug bite cream, or other over-the-counter medications. This is also important as we want to have up-to-date medical information and contact information on your student in the event of an emergency. You can complete the Annual Student Update by accessing the Parent Portal or through the parent portal app.
If you need assistance in setting up a Parent Portal account, please contact our Family Outreach Specialist, Mrs. Renee, at 623-876-7641.
School Picture Day - September 2nd
Please have your Knights look their best for School Picture Day on September 2nd. More information will follow.
Kingswood is Hiring!
We are seekingpassionate educators and support staff that exercise a love for learning. The following positions are open at Kingswood.
Music Teacher
22/23 SY School Aide/OCR
SPED Paraprofessional - Specialized STC (K-8)
SPED Paraprofessional - Resource (K-8)
Student Support Technician
If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us at 623-876-7600.
Please Complete a Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Just a reminder that the universal free meal program that schools have been able to offer the last few years has ended. We ask that all families complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application for this school year, which helps maintain school funding and ensures that qualified families will continue to receive free or reduced priced meals. It is critical that all families complete the application at Meals are always available for purchase. Parents can prepay for meals, a la carte or snack items, view their balances, or place restrictions on purchases to their child’s meal account at When students go through the meal line they simply need to provide their student ID at the register to process the transaction. Additional information on meal services can always be found at
Baseball and Softball Game Schedule
Congratulations to our Knights. Baseball and Softball games will start soon. Below is the complete schedule. Please come out and support these teams.
Baseball Game Schedule:
- August 30th 5:00 pm - Kingswood vs Thompson Ranch @ Dysart High School
- September 1st 6:30 pm - Surprise vs Kingswood @ Valley Vista High School
- September 6th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Luke @ Dysart High School
- September 9th 5:00 pm - Freedom vs Kingswood @ Dysart High School
- September 13th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs West Point @ Dysart High School
- September 15 5:00 pm - Kingswood vs Luke @ Dysart High School
- September 20th 6:30 pm - Asante vs Kingswood @ Valley Vista High School
- September 22nd 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Surprise @ Valley Vista High School
- September 27th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Riverview @ Dysart High School
- September 29th 6:30 pm - Asante vs Kingswood @ Dysart High School
Softball Game Schedule:
- August 30th 5:00 pm - Kingswood vs Thompson Ranch @ Dysart High School
- September 1st 6:30 pm - Surprise vs Kingswood @ Valley Vista High School
- September 6th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Luke @ Dysart High School
- September 9th 5:00 pm - Freedom vs Kingswood @ Dysart High School
- September 13th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs West Point @ Dysart High School
- September 15 5:00 pm - Kingswood vs Luke @ Dysart High School
- September 20th 6:30 pm - Asante vs Kingswood @ Valley Vista High School
- September 22nd 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Surprise @ Valley Vista High School
- September 27th 6:30 pm - Kingswood vs Riverview @ Dysart High School
- September 29th 6:30 pm - Asante vs Kingswood @ Dysart High School
Playoff schedule will be made available soon!
Level Up Knights Spirit Wear
We are excited to share our newly designed Level Up Knights spirit wear which will be printed on a purple t-shirt, hoodie or zip up sweatshirt. Get yours today by clicking here. Friday, August 12th is the last day to place your order.
Welcome Back!
Kingswood had a successful first day of school! We were so excited to welcome back our students and families for another great year. Please continue to check our website and social media to learn more about all the great activities and events planned, as well as updates on our academic progress! We hope you have a great year, and please reach out if you need anything to help make your student successful!
Check out the photo gallery for some images from around the school!
Meet The Teacher Night
Mark your calendars for Meet The Teacher Night on August 1st 2022, from 5:00 to 7:00pm. Your child's teacher will be reaching out to you prior to August 1st with more information, including classroom supply lists. We encourage you to follow us on our social media for more school happenings. We look forward to seeing everyone!
Welcome Back!
We can't wait to see everyone back for the first day of school on August 3! Make sure you mark your calendars for event and activity dates and keep an eye on our new website for important information as the start of school approaches.
Our Meet the Teacher night will be on August 1 from 5:30-7:00pm. Please join us to see the campus, meet your child's teachers, and get information on what to expect this year.
Still need to enroll? There's still time to get your children enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year! Parents and guardians can complete the necessary registration information online at at any time. Please note that in order to finalize registration the following documents will be required: government issued photo identification; birth certificate; proof of residency; and immunization records. For additional assistance with student registration, families are welcome to contact our front office.
Don't forget to make sure you have access to the Parent Portal to keep up with your child’s academic progress throughout the year! Sign up or access the site online at or via the Campus Parent app.
Volunteer Opportunities
Dysart Schools have many opportunities for the community to assist schools in providing an amazing educational experience to each and every student. Volunteers help to enrich children’s learning opportunities, provide individual attention to children who need one-on-one assistance, promote a school-home-community partnership for quality education, provide staff members with more time to work with students, and assist staff members and support personnel with non-instructional tasks.
Where is Help Needed?
- Classroom and teacher support
- One-on-one student assistance
- Event help (preparations, setup, operations, tear-down)
- Guest speakers (experts or retirees in various fields)
- Front office assistance
How to Become a Volunteer:
- Review the volunteer handbook and complete the volunteer application at
- Make an appointment for your volunteer orientation
- Coordinate your schedule through the school office
- Put on your volunteer badge and have fun!
Who Should Apply to Volunteer?
Anyone who cares about children and education is a potential volunteer. Parents, grandparents and community members 18 years of age or older who want to make a difference in the lives of children and support educators are encouraged to apply to become a volunteer with Dysart Unified School District. Volunteers are welcome in all of our schools and prior teaching experience is not necessary.
Learn more or apply here.
School Breakfast and Lunch
Dysart Nutrition Services ensures that students at all schools have fresh, wholesome and nutritious breakfast and lunch options to support their education and focus in class. Learn more about Nutrition Services at Menus and nutritional information may be viewed at
Apply for Free and Reduced Meals
Beginning July 1, 2022 the USDA is returning to income eligibility guidelines for free or reduced meals. All families should complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application at to help maintain school funding and make sure that qualified families receive this and other benefits. Only one application is required per family, and may be completed at
How to Add Meal Funds to an Account
Cash and checks are accepted for meal purchases, or families may utilize to prepay for meals online, view their balances, or place restrictions on purchases. Online payments take 24 hours to post to student accounts.
Meal Prices
- Elementary Lunch $2.60, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50
- Elementary Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75 High School Lunch $2.85, Reduced $.40, Adult $3.50
- High School Breakfast $1.25, Reduced $.30, Adult $1.75
A la carte and snack items are available for purchase on each campus, and additional meals are available for an added charge. Parents are always welcome to dine with their child, but please be sure to call in advance and check-in at the school office. Adult meals may be purchased for $1.75 for breakfast or $3.50 for lunch.
Employment Opportunities in Dysart
Dysart is the largest employer in both the cities of Surprise and El Mirage with over 2,700 employees. Dysart Schools offer highly competitive salaries, full benefits and an inviting school-year calendar with holidays and weekends off for most positions.
With a wide-variety of positions ranging from groundskeeper, to mechanic, to office staff, and teachers, we’re always looking for great people to join our Dysart team!
Current High Need Areas:
- Bus Drivers and Aides
- Childcare and Preschool Aides
- Paraprofessionals
- Behavioral Technicians
- Speech and Language Pathologists
- Special Education Teachers
- Math Teachers
- Science Teachers
- ASL Teachers
- Health Services Assistants
- Crossing Guards
- Maintenance Workers and Plant Managers
- Social Workers
Check out our current openings at and apply today!
Stay Informed on the Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a great tool to stay informed 24/7 about your child’s academic progress. Grades, attendance, assignments and more are viewable in real time online or via the app, Campus Parent. A single login allows parents with multiple students to access information for all of their children in one place. Learn more at
Update Your Communication Preferences and Contact Info
To make sure that we can keep you informed in emergency situations, please ensure that your contact information is current in the Parent Portal. You are also able to adjust your communication preferences (phone, text, and/or email) at or on the Campus Parent app to ensure you are getting the various message types in the way that you would like. Remember that if you select more than one type of communication per category, you will receive the message multiple times via each of those avenues.
Kingswood Preschoolers explore mystery basket
Preschool students at Kingswood Elementary School got a very special treat and presentation from Dysart Nutrition Services Department. Students participated in a mystery basket activity and explored unique fruits and vegetables and learned about the importance of eating a balanced diet.
Exotic fruits and vegetables were presented including papaya, pomelos, coconut, Chinese long beans, and lemongrass. Students explored the smell, texture and color of the various items and learned about the nutritional benefits of eating a varied diet. The preschoolers were treated to a fresh and healthy smoothie and listened to the book “Sneaky Spinach” by Alexis Schultze.
The Nutrition Services Department supports student education through fresh, wholesome food, a strong focus on nutrition and believes well-nourished students are better prepared to receive the instruction of the school day. The USDA has approved the extension of our Summer Meal Service through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. All children 18 and younger can receive free breakfast and lunch at any Dysart school. Menus and nutritional information can be found at and curbside meal pick up locations can be viewed at
Kingswood earns 2019 PBISaz Achievement Award
Kingswood Elementary School has been awarded a Merit Achievement Award by the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports of Arizona (PBISaz). The PBISaz Achievement Award recognizes schools for successful implementation and outcomes with School-Wide Systems of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). Award criteria required high scores on national fidelity and integrity assessments, and measurable student outcome data.
PBIS is a whole school three-tier approach to decreasing disruptive behaviors and increasing student success. This approach focuses on proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors through school-wide, classroom, and individual systems of support, in an effort to create a more positive school environment.
Kingswood has been on the PBIS journey for the past four years, seeking to create a culture that is positive and focused on improvement and accountability for all students and staff. With the implementation of school-wide expectations, “The Knight’s Code”, the school seeks to accomplish this by encouraging students to be respectful, responsible, safe, and a learner. Through the PBIS journey, Kingswood continues to strive for a more positive, proactive, and supportive school culture for all students, so that they can be successful citizens and leaders of our nation.
Kingswood Principal Mr. St. Germain, and Assistant Principal Ms. Romero, were joined by Dysart Superintendent Dr. Kellis to receive the award at the PBISaz Award Breakfast on November 7, 2019 in Phoenix.
PBISaz is the official statewide PBIS organization of Arizona, and is an affiliate of the National PBIS center. PBIS is dedicated to improving the effectiveness, efficiency of schools, while also improving social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.