Keeping our Students Safe in the Heat
The Arizona climate provides spectacular benefits as well as challenges with the extreme heat that can be faced in the summer months. Challenges due to heat-related situations can result in heat-related sickness and injury. To ensure that our students and staff are provided a continued safe environment for outdoor activities, we have an automated system that will monitor the heat index each school day and provide information to schools at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM regarding any restrictions that may occur due to the heat during extreme heat months. Schools receive a Heat Index Legend each day that is utilized to determine levels of outdoor activities for students. The legend indicates that the proportion of play to rest is as follows:
Heat Index Recommendation of Work to Rest
90 – 104 degrees 50% work / 50% rest
105 – 109 degrees 25% work / 75% rest
110 + degrees All students participate in indoor activities only
Please note that the rest can include time out of the heat and under-shade structures. Acclimation to heat is the first defense for heat illness. Students living in the Arizona climate experience the heat on a continual basis and can improve their ability to exercise, play, or work in the heat through acclimation. Drinking adequate amounts of fluid and utilizing caution during periods of extreme heat provides an environment in which all can be safe in the Arizona climate.