Horizon Benchmark Testing
Attention Stallions!
On Tuesday, August 13th, we will have a modified bell schedule for our Horizon benchmark testing as well as our senior rotations. Location assignments will be posted on Monday morning so that you are able to check in case you are not sure where to report. There will also be printed rosters that will be displayed in the downstairs 1000 and 2000 building for your reference.
Students in 9th-11th grade will be benchmark testing. The importance of this benchmark cannot be stressed enough. The information that this benchmark will provide to your teachers will tell them what you already know and what you still need to learn. This will assist the teachers in planning to ensure you are ready for state testing in April.
Seniors will be completing important graduation requirements. Please familiarize yourself with the bell schedule. It will look a little different than usual, as we will have 4th hour/lunch scheduled directly after testing. Your teachers will also explain and answer questions about the schedule for Tuesday.
Please ensure your laptop is charged, you have a good night's rest, and you eat breakfast prior to testing so that we are able to obtain accurate data.
9th-11th (Horizon BM#2)
12th (Activities with Counselors)
7:15 AM
10:45 AM
3hr 30mins
A Lunch
4th Period
10:45 AM
11:20 AM
11:15 AM
12:00 PM
30 mins
40 mins
4th Period
B Lunch
10:50 AM
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
40 mins
30 mins
1st Period
12:05 PM
12:27 PM
22 mins
2nd Period
12:32 PM
12:54 PM
22 mins
3rd Period
12:59 PM
1:21 PM
22 mins
5th Period
1:26 PM
1:48 PM
22 mins
6th Period
1:53 PM
2:15 PM
22 mins