Student Dress Code
Updated Guidelines for the new school year
Presented and reviewed by the Governing Board on July 11, 2024
Dysart Unified School District believes that there is a connection between Student Dress and Academic Success. As such, any attire that detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health and welfare of oneself and others. The following guidelines are not intended to be entirely inclusive of all dress code situations. The school administration retains the final discretion to determine that the garment or accessory meets the dress code. Some exceptions may be made for special events, formal attire (dances), spirit week, or costumes.
It is the students and their parent/guardian’s responsibility to be aware of the dress code policy and conform to these requirements. Each school will meet the minimum guidelines of the district dress code but may add other restrictions if the school administration deems it necessary. If a student or parent has any questions about whether specific attire or accessories are in compliance with the dress code, they should contact the Assistant Principal prior to wearing such attire.
- Must not include pajamas or other lounge wear.
- Must not include undergarments** worn as outer garments.
- Must not include any reference to a gang or contribute to an atmosphere of threat, intimidation or negative peer pressure.
- Must not include any defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, images, reference tobacco, drugs, alcohol, nudity, sexual in nature, violence, or weapons.
- Must not create an exposure in violation of any of the above guidelines when sitting, or standing.
- Must not display anything that is otherwise illegal to possess at school.
- Hoods should not be worn during instructional time or when requested not to by a staff member.
- Clothing should have adequate coverage to allow a full range of movement without undergarments showing.
Gang Related Apparel
The Governing Board desires to keep Dysart Schools and students free from the threat of harmful influences by any group or gang that advocates drug use or disruptive behavior. Therefore, the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of dress that by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or other attribute, denotes or implies membership in or affiliation with such a group is prohibited because of the potential disruption of the educational process or threat to the safety of other students.
- Must not include spaghetti straps, halter, backless, strapless, or off the shoulder tops, nor be deeply or narrowly cut in the back, under the arms, or front to expose cleavage.
- Must not expose any part of the midriff or undergarments when sitting , standing, or raising arms.
- Must not be see-through, ripped, or torn.
- Shorts/skorts/skirts must cover the entire buttocks when sitting, or standing and extend to a reasonable length.
- Must not expose undergarments** when sitting or standing, regardless of the number of layers.
- Any spandex or form fitting type of pants/bottoms must not be see through.
- Must be worn at all times.
- Must be closed-toe shoes for physical education or any organized physical activity.
- Slippers are not allowed.
Accessories/Personal Items
- Must not present a safety hazard to self or others at the administrator’s discretion.
- Must not include sunglasses worn inside any building.
- Must not include spiked jewelry, chains, or extremely long belts.
- Must not include a mask or anything to cover the face or the makes the person unidentifiable.
- Site Administrators can determine if hats or head gear are allowed. Students shall remove their hat or headgear when requested to do so by staff.
- The accessory can be confiscated, which can be picked up at the end of the day.
*A.R.S. 15-712 permits instruction on the nature and harmful effects of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. It is illegal for minors to possess these substances. Clothing or accessories that display these substances or are deemed to advocate or encourage the use of these substances are counterproductive to the District’s curriculum goals and educational objectives. These items are, therefore, prohibited.
**Undergarment Definition: An undergarment is any item specifically designed to be worn underneath other garments and is typically worn next to the skin. Undergarments include, but might not be limited to underwear, bras (including sports bras), or other items that might be worn directly against the skin to cover the private areas of the body.