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Aerial photo of Sunset Hills Elementary School

School Leadership

Andrew Griesel
Angela Bonds

Andrew Griesel

Interim Principal

Angela Bonds

Assistant Principal 

Dear Sunset Hills Family, 

March is such a fun month! With warmer weather, Spring Break on the horizon, and the final stretch of the school year ahead, there’s much to look forward to. We also want to remind families that state testing begins at the end of the month. All students in grades 3 through 8 are required to take the AASA exam. To support your child’s success, please avoid scheduling appointments on their designated testing days (see the full newsletter for the schedule). Each grade level’s Professional Learning Team has carefully planned instruction to ensure students master essential standards. Our dedicated teachers are working diligently to support student growth across all academic areas and meet each child at their individual level. A strong home-school connection plays a vital role in maximizing student progress. We appreciate your ongoing support in encouraging daily attendance and motivating your child to put forth their best effort!

Sunset Hills Achieves a ‘B’ Rating!

Did you know? Sunset Hills received a “B” label from the Arizona State Board of Education.  School grades are based on a combination of student proficiency, growth, and additional factors like English Learner progress, acceleration readiness, and reductions in minimally proficient students. For more details, visit: AZ Report Cards. 

While we acknowledge this achievement, Sunset Hills believes we are an “A” school and will continue working to reach that goal. We need your help! Please encourage your child to practice previously taught skills and give their best effort on the AASA State Assessment in April.

Progress Toward Continuous School Improvement Goals

We are excited to share the progress toward our Math and ELA improvement goals: 

  • Math Goals (Grades 3-8):
    • Target: By May 2025, 40% of students will achieve proficiency, and minimally proficient students will decrease to 28%.
    • Current Progress: 
      • Benchmark 1: 49% on track to be proficient | 33% minimally proficient
      • Benchmark 2: 40% on track to be proficient | 40% minimally proficient 
      • Note: We saw a decrease in proficiency and an increase in minimally proficient scores from BM1 to BM2 in Math.
  • ELA Goals (Grades 3-8): 
    • Target: By May 2025, 52% of students will achieve proficiency, and minimally proficient students will decrease to 29%.
    • Current Progress:
      • Benchmark 1: 49% on track to be proficient | 33% minimally proficient
      • Benchmark 2: 51% on track to be proficient | 30% minimally proficient
      • Note: We saw an increase in overall proficiency and a decrease in minimal proficiency from BM1 to BM2 in ELA.

Spring Break & 4th Quarter Reminders

As we head into Spring Break and the final quarter of the school year, please remind your child of the following school expectations:

  • Cell Phones & Electronics: Devices should remain in backpacks upon entering the classroom. They may only be used with teacher direction. 
  • Dress Code: As temperatures rise, students should continue to follow the dress code. Hats and hoods should be removed inside the building.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for your continued support in making Sunset Hills a great place for learning and growth. Let’s finish the year strong!

Andrew Griesel, Interim Principal