Weekly Updates 10/31/22
Dear Asante Families-
The weather is finally changing and second quarter is well underway now. Below you will find a link to the important information for the upcoming events and information:
- Please note there are no costumes allowed on Monday. We enjoyed seeing them at Trunk or Treat.
- Please make sure you do not park in the fire line or in undesignated parking at drop off or pick up time. This is especially important for even our midday parent pick ups from preschool in case of an emergency and the need for trucks to access the fire lane. Thank you for your partnership on this important safety piece.
- Yearbooks are also on sale online for $25 a yearbook. Here is a link to the information for ordering.
- National Junior Honor Society is collecting socks and blankets for the homeless shelter. You can bring your donations for this Soctober event through the middle of November.
- Don’t forget the attendance line to call your students out is 623-523-8903, or you can call 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
- Please note that there is no school on Veterans’ Day, Friday, November 11th.
We thank you for your continued support!
Emily Dean
Asante News