Weekly Update 3/20/23
Dear Asante Families-
We hope you had a wonderful Spring Break with family and friends. It is hard to believe we are in fourth quarter already! It is going to be a busy month!
Here are upcoming events and information:
- House color day is Monday and Asante Spirit Day is Friday!
- State testing is coming for grades 3-8. Please see the link to the schedule of dates to help with scheduling appointments and things around the testing dates. Link
- Kinder Showcase for kindergarten students for the 23/24 school year is this Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. There will be a chance to tour, meet teachers, check out the cafe and the specials!
- Student Council is sponsoring a Springtastic Dance for 6th-8th graders on Friday, March 24th, from 5-7pm. Tickets will be on sale after Spring Break starting on Tuesday, March 21st for $5 before school during soft start. There will be a DJ, food, and fun! Students must be picked up at the front at the end of the dance.
Thank you as always for your continued support. Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News