Weekly Updates 8/7/23
Dear Asante Families-
Thank you so much for helping us get off to such a great start to this year! We were so excited to see all the returning faces and new faces as well! This year is going to be a truly remarkable year, and our staff looks forward to partnering with you to help your child learn to their maximum potential.
We have a few important things to remind you of and save the dates below:
- Remember that you must complete your Annual Student Update every year in the Parent Portal. For a student to be seen in the health office, to use technology, and to have emergency and medical updates, you must complete it. Directions for completing can be found here. It must be done by the end of August.
- Please remember that you must not drop off students in the parking lot, and we ask that you use the crosswalk. It is also critical that for drop off in the morning, you do not exit your vehicle in the drop off zone. We appreciate your partnership, so we can keep everyone safe!
- Save the date if you can for the first PTO meeting of the year on August 15th at 4:30 PM in the Media Center.
We hope you can join us! We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Emily Dean
Asante News