Literacy Night and Updates
Dear Asante Families-
There are a lot of special events happening in the next couple of months on campus! Please make sure to check out the calendar to not miss anything! We want to thank our amazing PTO and staff for all the wonderful events and clubs that are providing opportunities for our students and the community!
Here are the important updates upcoming:
- Monday is House Color Day and Friday is Asante Spirit Day so wear your spirit shirts or black and gold!
- This Thursday from 5:00 to 6:30 is our Annual Literacy Night. There will be activities, make and takes, literacy games, the Surprise Library will be here for library card sign-up, our PTO will be there, along with food trucks and more! Come join us!
- Picture Day is coming on September 27th! To order pictures, please use the following link.
- Save the Date for Trunk or Treat on October 20th. Check out the PTO website to reserve a Trunk spot, volunteer, or sign-up as a vendor here.
- If your child will be out, please call the attendance line 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a great week!
Emily Dean
Asante News