Weekly Updates 1/22/24
Dear Asante Families-
Did you know that just 6 extra minutes every day has the potential to increase the reading performance of children, or that children that read at least 20 minutes every day will have exposure to approximately 2 million words annually? It has even been shown that reading fiction improves students decision making. There are quick and easy things parents can do with students to help in reading on our Academic Success Guides if you are interested see the links here.
Here are the upcoming events and information:
- Our K-4 students are getting ready to have fun and save lives! Kids Heart Challenge is starting on January 23rd! Your child will learn about heart, brain, and vascular health, and get to meet kids with special hearts! Our goal is to have 100% of our school families join our online team and learn Hands Only CPR through Finn’s Mission. Don’t wait, register TODAY! Register at http://www2.heart.org/goto/AsantePreparatoryAcademy or download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android
- Parents of fifth through seventh graders, please save the date for a parent/student information night at Cimarron Spring on January 30th at 6:00 PM.
- Yearbooks are on sale now for $30. Here is the link to order.
- If your child will be out, please call the attendance line 623-523-8900 and press 1. Please make sure to leave the student name, grade and the reason for the absence.
Have a wonderful week!
Emily Dean