New Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Morning Arrival Procedures
8:40 am - 9:00 am
Parent Drop-Off Zones:
The front lane is for loading and unloading of students only. Please do not leave your car unattended in this lane. Pull forward to the loading zone when dropping off your children in the morning to alleviate traffic backup on Greenway. Students will enter campus through the west bus gates.
**Cars can not block traffic from entering campus. If all space is full in the drop-off lane, please proceed to the parking lot and walk up to pick up your child.
Walkers & Bike Riders:
- West Point neighborhood students may arrive on campus through the satellite gates or walk down the sidewalk along Greenway and enter through the Front Walking Gate. Crossing guard locations are at Statler, Tara, and West Point Parkway.
- Roseview neighborhood students may arrive by walking along the sidewalk on the south side of Greenway. They will cross Greenway at the traffic light at 137th Ave only. There will NOT be a crossing guard to cross students at Greenway and West Point Parkway.
- Litchfield Manor neighborhood students will arrive on campus using the crosswalk at 137th Ave and Greenway. They will then enter campus through the front walking gate.
Bus Riders:
Eligible students may ride a bus to and from school. Check the Bus Stop Locator for eligibility. The West Bus Lot is for bus and staff parking only. Parent parking is not available in this lot at any time.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Times:
Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st: 3:40 PM (Monday dismissal 1:40 PM)
2nd Grade through 8th Grade: 3:45 PM (Monday dismissal 1:45 PM)
Parent Pick-Up Zones: Please see the map below for traffic flow. Students will wait in the loading zone by grade level. Only kindergarten and preschool parents can walk up to the loading zone to pick up their students. All other parents who park will wait on the sidewalk across from the loading zone and staff will cross their child at the designated crosswalk. Students will not be able to walk through the parking lot unattended.
Walkers & Bike Riders:
- West Point neighborhood students will exit campus through the three back satellite gates only.
- Roseview neighborhood students will exit campus through the front walking gate and use the crosswalk at 137th and Greenway. They will then walk down the south side of Greenway to the neighborhood entrance.
- Litchfield Manor neighborhood students will exit campus through the front walking gate and use the crosswalk at 137th and Greenway to enter the neighborhood.
Bus Riders: Eligible students may ride a bus to and from school. Check the Bus Stop Locator for eligibility. The West Bus Lot is for bus and staff parking only. Parent parking is not available in this lot during arrival or dismissal.
Satellite Drop Off/ Pick Up Locations:
Three gates lead to the West Point neighborhood opening during arrival and dismissal times. Staff members are present to promote safe entry and exit of the campus.
Gate 1: 138th Avenue and Ocotillo Lane
Gate 2: Bonow Drive and Ocotillo Lane
Gate 3: The Cul De Sac at the end of 136th Lane just South of Desert Lane