State Testing Begins
State Testing
This week begins our state testing season. Please promote healthy testing habits for your child by ensuring they get a good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and arriving on time on the day of testing. We are excited to see the growth our students have gained this year.
March 28th- 5th & 8th Grade AZSci
March 29th- 5th & 8th Grade AZSci
April 5th- AASA Writing (Gr. 3,7,8)
April 6th - AASA Writing (Gr. 4,5,6)
April 11- AASA Reading PT. 1( Gr. 3,4)
April 13 - AASA Reading PT 2 (Gr. 3.4)
April 18- AASA Reading PT. 1(Gr. 5-8)
April 19-AASA Math PT 1 (Gr. 3-8)
April 20- AASA Reading PT. 2 (Gr. 5-8)
April 21- AASA Math PT 3 (Gr. 3-8)
Students who arrive after the testing session has begun will stay in an alternative classroom until the session is complete. They will then make up the test on a different day.