Weekly Update for August 21, 2023
Curriculum Night
All families are invited to attend curriculum night on Tuesday, August 22nd. This year we are partnering with the PTSA for a fun family evening.
Curriculum Night Events
4:30 PM- Mrs. Mikos will introduce families to the West Point Title 1 action plan. Location: Cafe
5:00 PM- Curriculum Session 1- Classroom teachers will present curriculum and classroom procedures. Location: Classrooms
5:30 PM- Curriculum Session 2- Classroom teachers will present curriculum and classroom procedures. This will be the same information as session 1 to allow families to attend multiple sessions. Location: Classrooms
6:00 PM- Band Parent Information Meeting. Location: Library
When finished with your curriculum presentations, join the West Point PTSA for Family Game Night 5:30-7:00 PM in the West Point Cafeteria. A shaved ice and coffee food truck will be in the front parking lot.
Annual Student Update
So far, we have over 400 students with an incomplete Annual Student Update.
See the directions below.
⇰Log into the Parent Portal or use the Campus Parent App.
⇰ Select “More”
⇰ Select “Annual Update”
After September 1st, students who have not had their annual student update completed will lose access to their online accounts, including the online curriculum. It is critical that families complete the update. Let the office know if you need help. We are always happy to assist!