Weekly Update for January 29, 2024
Benchmark Testing
Third through Eighth-Grade students will take the ELA and Math benchmarks on Tuesday, January 30th and Wednesday, January 31st. Please avoid appointments on those days.
Jump Rope for Heart
Get ready to have fun and save lives! Kids Heart Challenge is starting soon! Your student will learn about heart, brain, and vascular health, and get to meet kids with special hearts! In honor of the American Heart Association’s 100th anniversary, our goal is to have 100% of our school families register and learn Hands Only CPR through Finn’s Mission. Don’t wait, register TODAY!
Register at Jump Rope for Heart or download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android Complete Finn’s Mission in your headquarters
The 23-24 West Point yearbook is on sale now for $35. Orders are accepted online at: Yearbook Pre-orders Eighth grade parents can purchase an ad for their promoting child. Quarter-page ads are $10, and half-page ads are $15.
Parking Lot Reminder
As a reminder, the drop off and pick up lane is for through traffic only. Cars should never be left unattended in the lane. If you need to walk up to get your child, please park in a designated parking spot.
West Point Teacher Shout-Outs
With February upon us, we’d appreciate if you shared the love with our teachers by submitting a Teacher Shout Out. These are shared during our staff meetings and are a great way to uplift our staff.
Week at a Glance
Monday, January 29
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Girls Volleyball game vs Asante @ Freedom, 6PM
Tuesday, January 30
-3rd-8th Grade ELA Benchmarks
-Descendants Rehearsal, 4PM See Google Classroom for Details
-Flag Football Game vs. Kingswood @ Riverview, 5PM
Wednesday, January 31
-3rd-8th Grade Math Benchmarks
-NJHS Meeting, 8AM - Volleyball Game vs. Freedom @ Kingswood, 5PM
Thursday, February 1
-Descendants Rehearsal, 4PM See Google Classroom for Details
-Flag Football Game vs. Surprise @ Riverview, 5PM
-College 101, 5-7PM @ VVHS
Friday, February 2
- Student Store/ Hat Day
-Quarter 2 Honor Assemblies
4th Gr.@ 9:15 AM
5th & 6th Gr.@9:45 AM
7th & 8th Gr. @1:45 PM
Upcoming Events
Week of February 5th Parent Teacher Conferences & PTSA Book Fair Early Release 2/8 & 2/9