Weekly Update for February 24, 2025
State Testing
AASA State Testing is about a month away. Please review the dates below:
Date Test Grades
March 26 & 27 AZ Science 5th & 8th
April 1 AASA Writing 3rd, 7th, 8th
April 2 AASA Writing 4th, 5th, 6th
April 9 & 10 AASA Reading & Math 3rd, 4th, 5th
April 15 & 16 AASA Reading & Math 6th, 7th, 8th
Our students and teachers have worked hard all year and we look forward to our students showing their learning and growth on the state testing. Parents can support by ensuring that students attend on the day of testing, encouraging students to get a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast, and being their biggest cheerleaders!
Now Hiring
West Point is hiring enthusiastic individuals to join the Wildcat Team as paraprofessionals. Please spread the word! For more information, email Principal Mikos at amy.mikos@dysart.org, message her on ParentSquare, or click the links below.
Resource Paraprofessional Posting
Week at a Glance
Monday, February 24
-Day A Electives
-Early Release, 1:45 PM
-Governing Board Meeting, 6 PM
- Soccer & Basketball Parent Meeting, 6 PM
Tuesday, February 25
-Day A Electives
Wednesday, February 26
-Day B Electives
Thursday, February 27
-Day A Electives
Friday, February 28
-Day B Electives
Spirit Day