Weekly Update for January 30, 2023
McTeacher Night
We hope you include McTeacher night in your dinner plans for Tuesday, January 31st, from 5-7 PM.
Location: 13933 N Litchfield Road
How: Purchase through the drive-through, curbside pickup, inside the restaurant, or use the mobile app.
Why: Proceeds from the fundraising night will benefit West Point School, and it is a fun family event.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Next week we will be holding spring parent-teacher conferences. All teachers have sent home information on scheduling a conference appointment. Our goal is to meet with 100% of our families. Remember that Thursday, February 9th, and Friday, February 10th are early release days, and preschool will NOT hold classes.
8th Grade Promotion Parent Meeting
Families with 8th-grade students are invited to attend a virtual information meeting regarding 8th-grade promotion on Wednesday, February 1st, from 5:00-5:30 PM
To join the Google Meets Virtual Meeting use the link below:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pkc-snpx-zax
Or dial: (US) +1 240-804-7747 PIN: 631 844 850#
More phone numbers.
Information will be shared out with all families following the meeting.
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 30
-Early Release @ 1:45 PM
-Volleyball Game vs. Freedom @ Kingswood, 6 PM
Tuesday, January 31
-PTSA McTeacher Night, 5-7 PM
-Flag Football Game vs. Freedom @ El Mirage, 6 PM
Wednesday, February 1
-8th Grade Virtual Parent Meeting, 5 PM
-Volleyball vs. Asante @ Riverview, 5 PM
Thursday, February 2
-Flag Football Game vs. Asante @ Riverview, 5 PM
Friday, February 3
-Spirit Day -PTSA Hat Day
-PTSA Student Store
Saturday, February 4
Cross Country All District Meet