Weekly Update for August 26, 2024
PTSA Movie Night
Families are cordially invited to attend the PTSA Family Movie Night featuring Wall-E on Friday, August 30th at 6:00 PM. Families should bring a blanket for seating and wear comfy clothes. Admission is free and concessions are available for purchase.
Parking Lot Changes
Over the weekend, our entrance at 137th Ave was resurfaced and restriped. The new lanes now match the lanes previously created by the blue traffic dividers. Please continue to monitor your entrance onto campus and not block the front entrance lanes, crosswalks or intersection. Traffic is moving smoothly in the morning and dismissal takes about 13 minutes to clear in the afternoon. We appreciate your patience and attention to safety for our students, staff, and fellow motorists.
Labor Day Weekend
There is no school on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend.
Mid-Term Grades
We are nearly halfway through quarter 1 and mid-term grades will be posted in Infinite campus on Tuesday, September 3rd.