Weekly Update for August 7, 2023
West Point had a great first two days of school. Monday marks the first full week, and students will begin their academic units. Teachers will be sending home a weekly email blast that includes what Arizona State Standards and topics your child will be learning and ways that you can help your child learn at home.
Student Pick Up
Signs Student Pick-up Signs were provided to every student. If you are picking up your child in front of the school, whether in the car loop or walking up, you MUST have this sign. The line moves much faster when all adults have their student pick-up sign. The signs are also necessary for safety reasons. On Monday, all K-8 parents will need their student pick-up sign.
Dress Code
Please remember that we have a student dress code in order to create a professional atmosphere for learning. Students should dress in a manner that considers the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of oneself and others. Please review the dress code with your student(s) in the Student Handbook. We appreciate your partnership in this effort.
Annual Student Update
Please complete your Annual Student Update today! Please log into the Parent Portal to complete this task.