Weekly Update for August 14, 2023
It was a great first full week of school. Thank you for your partnership with this smooth transition back to school. We noticed that the traffic in the morning and afternoon significantly improved, reducing student tardies and wait times. Thank you for following the parking procedures and utilizing the alternative satellite drop-off and pick-up locations.
View the full newsletterWest Point Newsletter-8_14_23 (2).
Week at a Glance:
Monday, August 14
-Early Release @ 1:45 PM
- Electives Day B (5th-8th grade)
Wednesday, August 16 -4:00 PM
- Choir Club for grades 4-6th
Thursday, August 17 -4:00 PM
- Choir Club for grades 7-8th
Friday, August 18 -Spirit Day
- Wear West Point Spirit Shirts
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, August 22, 4:30 PM
- Family Curriculum Night & PTSA Game Night