Weekly Update for May 8, 2023
It's hard to believe that only 13 more days of school are left. Please review the newsletter for end-of-year information. There is also information on dismissal changes in our front lot. We are working with our district office to improve the traffic flow. Our goal is to provide a safe and efficient dismissal experience. This requires a partnership with all drivers. Please be patient as we implement lane changes.
Week at a Glance
Monday, May 8
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Girls Basketball Playoff Game 1 vs. Riverview @ Riverview, 5 PM
Tuesday, May 9
-Boys Basketball Playoff Game 1 vs. Asante @ Riverview, 6PM
Wednesday, May 10
-PTSA Membership Meeting, 4:15 PM
Thursday, May 11
-Spring Band and Orchestra Concert, 5:30 PM
Friday, May 12
West Point Spirit Day