Weekly Update for October 2, 2023
Parent Teacher Conferences
We look forward to seeing families this week for Parent Teacher Conferences. Please schedule a time to meet with your child’s teacher and help us meet our goal of 100% participation. Don’t forget that we’ll have early release on Monday, Thursday, and Friday at 1:45 PM. Also, this week, there are no preschool classes on Thursday and Friday. Fall
Parent/Family Survey
Our goal is to continually improve the experiences of our families, students, and staff. Please take a moment to complete the short survey linked below. We value your feedback! We’ll share the results and action plan in a later newsletter.
Fifth through eighth-grade students will be asked the following questions in an anonymous survey. I feel like there is an adult on campus I can talk to when I need help. I feel there are consistent expectations for all students. I feel that my class work is challenging and prepares me for the future. Parents can opt out of their child completing the survey by emailing Mrs. Mikos.
Shout Out to Teachers/Staff
A tradition at West Point is for our staff to meet for a Huddle every Friday morning. We’d love to share out staff shouts outs from our students and families during the huddle. Submit a Shout Out
Monday, October 2
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Book Fair
Tuesday, October 3
-Book Fair
-Playoff Baseball Game @ VVHS @ 7:00pm -- Kingswood vs. West Point
** Softball will have a bye this round.
Wednesday, October 4
-Book Fair
Thursday, October 5
-No PreK Classes
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Book Fair Family Shopping from 2-7 PM
Friday, October 6
-No PreK Classes
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Book Fair
Next Week
-Fall Break Oct 9-13