Weekly Update for August 5, 2024
Hello West Point Families!
We’ve had a fabulous first two days of school!
Parent Communication through Parent Square & Annual Student Update
Dysart has updated their parent communication tools for the 24/25 school year. Please take the opportunity to set up your Parent Square account by using the invitation link in your email. So far, we have over 300 parents who have completed their registration and still have 420 left to register. Parent Square is a two-way communication platform that allows teachers and administrators to post important school or classroom information and message individual families directly. Families must complete the Annual Student Update in the Parent Portal. Parent Square will sync nightly with the Parent Portal as updates are made to contact information. The Annual Student Update is due through the parent portal no later than August 30th.
Softball & Baseball Tryouts
Tryouts for baseball and softball begin the week of August 12th. The district no longer has paper sports permission packets. All athlete registration is complete online at registermyathlete.com. Students who wish to try out must have their registration complete before tryouts start. The fall softball and baseball seasons run through October 31st.
Site Council
We are looking for 2-3 parent volunteers to join our Site Council. We meet monthly on the first Wednesday at 4:00 PM and typically last 30 minutes. If you are interested, please message Mrs. Mikos on ParentSquare. More information can be found on our website here.
Week at a Glance
Monday, August 5
-First Day of PreK
-Early Release @ 1:45 PM
Tuesday, August 6
PTSA Membership Meeting, 4:15 PM in Art Room
Wednesday, August 7
Site Council Meeting, 4 PM
Thursday, August 8
Friday, August 9