Weekly Update for October 7, 2024
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are this week. Please sign up for an appointment through ParentSquare. Contact your child’s homeroom teacher if you are unable to find the conference post.
Early Release & No Preschool Classes
Please mark your calendars for early release dismissal at 1:45 PM on Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11th. Also, there will be NO preschool classes on Thursday and Friday this week.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Fall Book Fair is this week, Oct. 7-11th. The family shopping night will be on Thursday, Oct. 10th from, 2:00 - 7:00 PM. Parent volunteers are needed for the Book Fair. Please sign up to be a volunteer.
Hall of Treats Candy Donations
Hall of Treats (trick-or-treating inside the school) will be the evening of Oct. 25th. We are seeking candy donations for this fun, free event. Donations can be turned in to the front office or to each teacher’s homeroom teacher.
Fall Break
Fall break is next week. There will be no school during the week of Oct. 14-18. Enjoy!
Picture Retakes
Fall Picture retakes will take place in November. The exact date will be shared in a future school newsletter. Retakes are open to anyone who was absent for pictures or who was not happy with their original picture.
Week at a Glance
Monday, October 7
-A Day Electives
-Early Release @ 1:45 PM
-Baseball game vs. Luke @ VVHS, 5 PM
Tuesday, October 8
-Softball Game vs. Kingswood @ VVHS, 5 PM
Wednesday, October 9
Thursday, October 10
-No Preschool Classes
-Parent Teacher Conferences
-Early Release @ 1:45
-Book Fair Family Shopping Night, 2-7 PM
Friday, October 11
-No Preschool Classes
-Early Release @ 1:45
-School Spirit Day- Wear your West Point Spirit Gear